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CSD-8 Sustainable Development Success Stories (2000)


Since 1997 the Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD), through its Secretariat, has been recording successful efforts to implement Agenda 21. This is the fourth volume of sustainable development success stories compiled using information submitted over the past year. Our practice is to focus the success stories on Agenda 21 topics currently being discussed by the CSD.

These success stories are collected and presented to the CSD to help share positive experiences and encourage information about sustainable development. They are a way to recognize the commitment demonstrated by a diversity of groups including NGOs, UN Agencies, Women’s groups, Local Authorities, Governments and Indigenous People, as well as partnerships between them.

To collect these success stories, the CSD Secretariat made a call to governmental, inter-governmental and non-governmental groups to submit cases, that demonstrate the level and extent of Major Groups involvement in issues related to agriculture, integrated planning and management of land resources, financial resources, trade and investment and economic growth as main topics for the Commission's eight Session. We have also included Changing consumption and production patterns, poverty alleviation, as overriding issues and education and capacity building, as crosscutting concerns.

The present volume is based on project descriptions and activities that have led to tangible results and involved partnerships among different actors including community participation, that have a potential for replication elsewhere and from which we can learn lessons that can be disseminated around the world. The text of these stories has been kept as close as possible to the original submissions. Some of the success stories have been supplemented by additional research done by the CSD Secretariat. The CSD Secretariat sincerely thanks all individuals and institutions that responded and shared their stories of success.


Integrated Planning and Management of Land Resources, Agriculture and Forests


Financial Resources, Trade and Investment, Economic Growth


Consumption and Production Patterns, Poverty, Education, Capacity Building
