Participation in CSD-16
New York, 5-16 May 2008
Nearly 700 major groups' representatives from 126 organizations participated in the CSD-16 Review Session, by reporting on and sharing their results-oriented activities in the form of case studies, lessons learned, and best practices. They also identified obstacles, constraints, challenges and opportunities for the way forward.
Contributions by major groups were channeled through the following entry points:
- Opening plenary: on Monday 5 May, all major groups made opening statements;
- Thematic and regional discussions: from Monday 5 May through Friday 9 May, major groups participated throughout regional reviews and interactive discussions on the
thematic issues;
- Multi-stakeholder dialogue: on Tuesday 6 May, major groups introduced their discussion papers during an interactive dialogue with Governments on progress in implementation;
- Multi-stakeholder dialogue with representatives of partnership initiatives: on Friday 9 May,
a new and innovative format for an interactive dialogue was introduced that included major groups and representatives of partnerships engaging in discussion with Governments on their implementation efforts;
- SIDS Day: on Monday 12 May, major groupswere included in SIDS day discussions;
- Review of CSD-13 decisions on water and
sanitation: on Monday 12 May and Tuesday 13 May, major
groups contributed information to the review of progress in
implementing water and sanitation decisions;
- Ministerial roundtables: on Wednesday 14
May, major groups participated in two parallel roundtables on "Investing in Africa to Achieve the MDGs, and
Interlinkages Among the Thematic Issues "
- Ministerial dialogue: a high-level interactive discussion with major groups and
Ministers was held on Thursday 15 May, focusing on the way
- Closing plenary: on Friday 16 May, major
groups offered closing statements.
During the course of CSD-16, major groups
made a total of 152 interventions-- a record number for any CSD
meeting. Many of their statements and interventions can be found
on the
official statements page or by accessing the
individual major groups' sectors pages.
Experts from major groups served as panelists in the
thematic and regional discussions, and actively
participated in the
CSD-16 Partnerships Fair, the
Learning Centre, and the many
side events held during the meeting.
In preparation for the session, the major groups
organizing partners for each sector prepared
CSD-16 major groups' discussion papers,
the highlights of which are outlined in a
summary table.
Apart from the official session, a number of weekend
activities organized by major groups took place around
the New York City area before and during CSD-16. These
are listed in the main Meetings & Workshops page.