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This report refers to the first meeting of the Ad-hoc open-ended informal working group on tourism, held in Heredia, Costa Rica, on 20 and 21 January 2000.
This Working Group on Tourism (WGT), was established as a result of the 7th meeting of the UN Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD-7, April 1999), which in its decision 9:
Invites the United Nations Secretariat and the World Tourism Organization, in consultation with major groups and other relevant international organizations, to jointly facilitate the establishment of an ad hoc informal open-ended working group on tourism to assess financial leakages and determine how to maximize benefits for indigenous and local communities, and to prepare a joint initiative to improve information availability and capacity-building for participation, and address other matters relevant to the implementation of the international work programme on sustainable tourism development.
WGT Decision 9
Further to CSD-7, the Inter Agency Committee on Sustainable Development (IACSD) meeting in Vienna in September 1999 entrusted the World Tourism Organization (WTO) with the task of convening this WGT prior to its next meeting, scheduled for 24th of January 2000, and reporting to it on the results achieved.
The WTO Secretariat sent invitations, in October 1999, to all major groups (stakeholders) represented at CSD-7, as well as to all UN agencies/members of the IACSD. The government sector was to be represented by the WTO Committee on Sustainable Development of Tourism, made up by 9 Member States plus France - on behalf of its Executive Council - and one representative from the WTO Business Council.
The meeting was kindly hosted by the Government of Costa Rica and was chaired by the President of the Costa Rica Tourism Institute. The complete list of participants is appended to this report.
The UN Division on Sustainable Development was asked to further stimulate the participation in the WGT activities of two important major groups, namely, the local authorities and the trade unions, both of which did not send representatives to this first meeting.
The agenda of the meeting was set up by WTO and it evolved around the constitution of the WGT, its membership, the way in which it would undertake its tasks, its internal communications procedures, its funding and other such operational and logistic aspects.
The actual work and study themes stipulated in the CSD-7 decisions' document were deliberately excluded from the first WGT meeting agenda, since it was thought important to sort out first the nature and composition of the working group.
Participants were also invited to pay a technical visit to the Costa Rican Institute for Biodiversity (INBIO), a non-governmental research organization that has been promoting biodiversity conservation, its sustainable utilization, education and, more recently, recreation activities for local residents and tourists.
After initial introductions by representatives of the UN Division of Sustainable Development and WTO, all participants exchanged views on the role and functioning of the WGT.
It was noted that CSD-7 had decided on a long list of tasks but had made no funding provisions to undertake them. It was further recognized that several of the institutions present in the WGT as well as others had already carried out research or had ready-made information on the topics to be covered. Therefore, such information could be put at the WGT's disposal in order to avoid duplication, save time and resources, and show evidence of some progress being made.
And utilizing the following criteria for establishing priorities:
The programme of activities could be extended and priorities decided upon according to the above criteria and resources available.
1. Capacity-building activities and multilateral and bilateral financial and technical assistance for the application of appropriate technologies on all aspects of sustainable tourism development (Decision 4-b) | UNEP | WTO |
2. Development and application of indicators for sustainable tourism development (Decision 4-k) | WTO | WTTC, ITC |
3. Preparation for the International Year of Ecotoursim 2002 (Decision 4-i) | WTO, UNEP | The Ecotourism Society |
4. Encourage more responsible behaviour among tourists (Decision 4-c) | NGOs | |
5. Promote the implementation of Voluntary Initiatives and Guidelines for Sustainable Tourism (Decision 4-l) | ICT | WTO, UNEP |
6.Encourage business and industry to take steps to implement eco-efficiency approaches (Decision 4-o) | WTTC | UNEP |
7.Compile information on national strategies and master plans for sustainable tourism development (Decision 2-a) | The Earth Council | WTO |
8.Collect and disseminate information on best practices and techniques for sustainable tourism development (Decision 4-e and 1) | WTO | UNEP, NGOs |
9.Clarify the concepts of sustainable tourism and ecotourism (Decision 4-j) | WTO | WTTC, NGOs |
10.Consider an exchange of experiences and best practice on sustainable tourism development and biological diversity (Decision 7) | CBD | |
11. Assess financial leakage from tourism (Decision 9) | WTO | WTTC |
WTO | World Tourism Organization |
UNEP | United Nations Environment Programme |
WTTC | World Travel and Tourism Council |
NGOs | Non-Governmental Organizations (Tourism Caucus) |
ICT | Costa Rican Tourism Institute |
CBD | Convention on Biological Diversity |