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Expert Group Meeting
Sustainable Land Management & Agricultural Practices in Africa: Bridging the Gap Between Research & Farmers

Gothenburg, Sweden, April 16 - 17, 2009


Name Affiliation Presentation
Day 1
David Le Blanc Division for Sustainable Development, United Nations/DESA Introduction
Anita Ingevall Sida The Evolution of Sustainable Agriculture - Time for a New Paradigm?
Precious Zikhali EfD/University of Gothenburg Brief on Sustainable Agriculture
Steve Danyo World Bank TerrAfrica Platform's SLM Service Network for M&E and learning
Martin Bwalya NEPAD/CAADP/TerrAfrica NEPAD−CAADP sustainable land and CAADP sustainable land and water management experiences
Berhanu Gebremedhin & Al. International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) Linking NRM with Market Oriented Commodity Development: Does it help SLM?
Andrew Gillison Center for Biodiversity Center for Biodiversity Management Management, Australia Agro-bio-climatic models: Towards a generic Land Management Typology
Gunnar Köhlin EfD/University of Gothenburg From Soil Erosion Research to Modeling Impacts of Interventions
Mahmud Yesuf EfD, Kenya Economic Analysis for Targeting SLM Intervention
Salvatore diFalco London School of Economics Linking Climate Data to Adoption of Sustainable Agriculture Practices
Stein Holden Norwegian University of Life Sciences How to Promote Sustainable Agriculture in Africa?
Day 2
Ephraim Nkonya IFPRI Current extension service models, what works and what does not work
Tolessa Debele &
Beshir Abdulahi
Institute of Agricultural Research & MoARD resp. Country Experiences regarding Agricultural Research Extension: The Ethiopia Experience
Festus Muriithi & Kenneth Ayuko Kenya Agricultural Research Institute & Ministry of Agriculture resp. Country Experiences regarding Agricultural Research Extension: The Kenyan Experience
Wilfred Nyangena EfD-K/Kippra Role of Social Networks⁄Capital in Sustainable Agriculture
Bekele Shiferaw ICRISAT, Kenya Role of Agricultural Marketing, Market Access and Profitability
James MacGregor & Al. International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) Role of Private⁄Commercial Standards in Sustainable Agriculture
Gunnar Köhlin EfD/University of Gothenburg Reflections on institutions to guide up-scaling of successful practices and interventions