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Global Online Discussion on Science, Technology and Innovation for the SDGs
Topic 1
Topic 2
Science, technology and innovation for the SDGs 1, 2, 3, 5, 9 and 14

What are the success stories in scientific collaboration, innovation, technology transfer and diffusion, new initiatives or partnerships that contribute directly to the achievement of the six selected SDGs? What are key challenges whose resolution could have a transformative impact on the achievement of these SDGs, and for which STI does/can offer practical and viable options? Give a concrete example of existing STI solution that addresses those challenges. What are practical ways to adapt, repurpose and upscale that solution? What are the new disruptive technologies that could change the paradigm in the field and transform the way to reach these selected SDGs? In which ways STI should be transformed to address those challenges? Which forms of interface between society and STI are needed? Which kinds of social expertise need to be associated with STI activities?