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10th session of the Commission on Sustainable Development

The United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development met for its tenth session (CSD-10), which served as the first Preparatory Committee (PrepCom) for the World Summit on Sustainable Development, from 30 April - 2 May 2001 at the UN Headquarters in New York. The fifty-three members of the Commission in 2001-2002 included: African States: 13 Asian States: 11, Eastern European States: 6, Latin American and Caribbean States: 10, Western European and Other States: 13.

Note: term expires on the last day of the regular session of the respective year

  1. Angola
  2. Australia
  3. Austria
  4. Belarus
  5. Belgium
  6. Bolivia
  7. Brazil
  8. Cameroon
  9. China
  10. Colombia
  11. Cuba
  12. Democratic Republic of the Congo
  13. Denmark
  14. Ecuador
  15. France
  16. Germany
  17. Ghana
  18. Greece
  19. Guatemala
  20. Guyana
  21. Iceland
  22. India
  23. Indonesia
  24. Iran (Islamic Republic of)
  25. Italy
  26. Japan
  27. Kazakhstan
  28. Lebanon
  29. Madagascar
  30. Mali
  31. Mexico
  32. Mongolia
  33. Morocco
  34. Mozambique
  35. Netherlands
  36. Nigeria
  37. Pakistan
  38. Paraguay
  39. Poland
  40. Republic of Korea
  41. Republic of Moldova
  42. Russian Federation
  43. Senegal
  44. Slovenia
  45. Sudan
  46. Switzerland
  47. Thailand
  48. The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
  49. Tunisia
  50. Uganda
  51. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
  52. United States of America
  53. Venezuela
United Nations