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SD21 Drafters workshop
5 Apr 2012 - 6 Apr 2012
The expert group meeting aimed to support the preparation of the SD21 synthesis report for policy-makers, to be tabled at UNCSD (Rio+20). The overall objective of the meeting was to gather input from the lead drafters of the seven studies that were commissioned by The Division for Sustainable Development (DSD) under the SD21 project. Specific objectives of the meeting were:

To allow for an interaction among the lead contributors to the project, enabling the sharing of perspectives among them with a view to best informing the synthesis report of the project

To brainstorm on what the core messages of a summary for policymakers should be

To gather the lead authors? feedback on an initial draft of the full synthesis report of the project

To agree on steps to be taken by all involved to disseminate the findings of the project, both before and during UNCSD and in the longer term

Proceedings of the meeting are available in the meeting report.
United Nations