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Fourth session of the Intergovernmental Committee of Experts on Sustainable Development Financing
12 May 2014 - 16 May 2014
New York
The Intergovernmental Committee of Experts on Sustainable Development Financing (ICESDF) will hold its Fourth Session from 12-16 May 2014 at UN Headquarters (New York). While this is a closed session, reserved to the Committee, an interactive multistakeholder dialogue will be organized on Monday 12 May 2014, from 15:00 to 18:00, and will be open to all with a valid groundpass.

The event will be held in Conference Room 1.

This interactive dialogue will be divided into two parts:

  1. A briefing from the Co-chairs and thematic co-facilitators on the work of the Committee from 3pm to 3.30pm.

  2. Presentations from a panel composed of representatives from NGOs, the private sector other Major Groups engaged in the Rio+20 Conference and the Financing for Development process, selected by the SD Financing Steering Committee, followed by an open interactive dialogue around the following framing questions related to sustainable development financing, with the Committee experts, Member States, International organizations and non-state actors from 3.30pm to 6pm:

1. Which reforms in financial governance at national and international levels - including with respect to policy orientation, accountability and transparency - are required to ensure coherence of financial policy and practice with the objectives of sustainable development?
2. Which would be vital internationally established regulations and incentives for private sector actors to redirect their investments toward meeting long term sustainable development objectives?
3. In previous outreach sessions, several Committee experts mentioned that human rights should be a foundation for guiding a sustainable development financing strategy. What would integrating human rights into such a strategy imply concretely in practice?
4. In terms of institutional frameworks for the effective use of resources for sustainable development, how could available funds genuinely support local community priorities, including the needs and rights of indigenous peoples, along all three dimensions of sustainable development? How to ensure that local communities, including people living in poverty, are actively involved in project design, implementation and monitoring?
5. Which kinds of legislative, institutional and financial support measures would be needed to empower social and solidarity economy initiatives (such as cooperatives, community-based initiatives, agro-ecological projects, community development banks, etc.) which generate decent jobs and at the same time seek to meet all three dimensions of sustainable development? Is there a need to bring community-driven and owned initiatives on a par with other actors in the debate on "public-private partnerships"?

The panel will be composed of the following speakers:

  • Roy Torkelson, Chief Operating Officer, The BondFactor Company, United States

  • Jesse Griffiths, Director, European Network on Debt and Development (Eurodad), Belgium

  • Grace Balawag, Tebtebba, Philippines

  • Ignacio Saiz, Executive Director, Center for Economic and Social Rights, United States

  • Fabio Palacio, Advocacy Associate, International Movement ATD Fourth World, Colombia

  • (Via Skype) Daniel Tygel, Operations Manager, Inter-Continental Network for the Promotion of Social Solidarity Economy (RIPESS), Brazil

For a summary of the multistakeholder dialogue held during the Committee's Third Session on 3 March 2014, see article prepared by the United Nations Non-Governmental Liaison Service (UN-NGLS).

This interactive session is organized through the ICESDF's Committee of Non-State Actors with support from UN-NGLS.

For more information on the interactive multistakeholder dialogue, please contact: Alexandre Binz at UN-NGLS ( or Anjali Rangaswami at
United Nations