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University of Bern
Description/achievement of initiative

Current projects already underway.

Implementation methodologies

The University of Bern (Unibe) - is committed to teaching sustainable development concepts - is committed encouraging research on sustainable development issues - is commited to promote resource efficiency and minimising waste and pollution by implementing sustainable procurement practices and management of the waste streams Unibe will undergo an annual assessment in regard to the status of the achievement of the objectives and targets defined in the policy and action plan. For a general description of key resources and/or partners dedicated to achieve these targets please visit : http://www.qualitaet.unibe.ch/content/nachhaltige_entwicklung/index_ger.html

Arrangements for Capacity-Building and Technology Transfer

Coordination mechanisms/governance structure


University of Bern
Progress reports
Goal 4
Annual assessment
Staff / Technical expertise
Expertise of students and staff dedicated to sustainability

Basic information
Time-frame: 2012 - 2015
University of Bern
Contact information
Martin G. Täuber, Professor - Rector, martin.taeuber@rektorat.unibe.ch
United Nations