Global registry of voluntary commitments & multi-stakeholder partnerships
Action Networks for the SDGs

Action Networks for the SDGs are action-oriented networks and communities that are maintained by UN system entities or actors that focus on accelerating progress in certain sustainable development thematic areas, typically contributing to multiple interlinked SDGs.

Action networks are useful in mobilizing resources, generating momentum and creating awareness, spurring tangible results in support of the objectives of the network, scaling up existing initiatives or catalyzing new SMART commitments and actions.

Durable Action Networks are usually of multi-stakeholder nature, with an established governance structure and a relatively robust accountability framework. Some Networks, such as the network for Small Island Developing States, are evolving together with the relevant intergovernmental processes or UN conferences.

Urban Agenda Platform
Space for governments, private sector, civil society, urban practitioners and individuals to report progress, share actions, and urban practices driving transformational change for sustainable urban development.
Conscious Fashion + Lifestyle Network
Platform for the fashion and lifestyle industry stakeholders to showcase actions, report progress and share solutions advancing the SDGs
SDG Acceleration Actions
The SDG Acceleration Actions online database is a tool to help inspire and mobilize actions around the world to promote the implementation of the SDGs
SDG Good Practices
Where do we stand? Are we on track? What are the inspiring breakthroughs and success stories that are showing results and impacts?
SDG 7 Partnership Exchange
Supporting the Review of SDG 7 at the 2018 UN High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development
SDG Accord
A Commitment from the World's Universities and Colleges to Embed the SDGs
Decent Jobs for Youth
The global initiative to scale up action and impact on youth employment
Global Sustainable Transport Conference
Registered initiatives will be part of the official outcome of the Global Sustainable Transport Conference in 2016
UN Sustainable Development Summit 2015
Adoption of the post-2015 development agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals.
Sustainable Energy for All (SE4All)
Transformation of the world's energy systems for a prosperous, healthier, cleaner and safer world
SDG Philanthropy Platform
A vehicle for catalyzing multi-stakeholder partnerships to advance the global sustainable development agenda.
Higher Education Sustainability Initiative
Interface between higher education institutions, education, science, and policy making
Small Island Developing States
Multi-stakeholder partnerships advancing sustainable development in SIDS
Every Woman Every Child
A global movement that mobilizes action by all stakeholders to address the health challenges facing women and children
The SDGs Fund is a development cooperation mechanism created by UNDP to support sustainable development activities through integrated programmes.
United Nations Global Compact
The worlds largest corporate sustainability initiative
Business for 2030
The Business for 2030 action network aims at showcasing business' past and continuing contributions to sustainable development through the prism of the SDGs
Voluntary commitments and multi-stakeholder partnerships to advance sustainable development
United Nations Environment Assembly
Voluntary commitments to advance sustainable development and sustainable consumption and production
Green economy
Green economy policies, practices and initiatives
United Nations