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December 2022 - You are accessing an archived version of our website. This website is no longer maintained or updated. The Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform has been migrated here:
Austria's Voluntary National Review – Main Messages
The Government Programme 2020–2024 further strengthens a targeted coordination in implementing the 2030 Agenda by systematically involving relevant stakeholders.
Digitalisation is an Austrian priority, also in implementing the 2030 Agenda:
Austria will strengthen digital governance drawing on all stakeholders’ knowledge to enable digital technologies being used in all SDG-areas.
Women, young people and “Leaving no one behind”
Austria’s well-developed social and health-care system is key in combating poverty and social exclusion, ensuring high-quality health-care to everybody, including disadvantaged and highly vulnerable groups.
Along with strengthening primary healthcare, promoting women’s health and assuring quality care, Austria will put special emphasis on fighting poverty among children, women and older persons.
Involvement of young people in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda is key:
Equality of women and men is a prerequisite for the successful implementation of the 2030 Agenda:
Climate action
Austria aims to achieve climate neutrality by 2040. To this end, we are determined to:
At EU-level, Austria supports carbon border adjustments and the earliest possible phasing-out of financing and subsidising fossil infrastructures.
Austria advocates the decarbonisation of energy systems without nuclear power, the latter not being a viable option for combatting climate change.
Indicators measuring advances in achieving SDGs since 2017
SDGs have seen positive developments:
However, significant challenges remain and action is needed in several areas, such as
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The partnership aims at the establishment of the Caribbean Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (CCREEE) under the umbrella of the CARICOM Energy Policy. The regional centre of excellence will support the Caribbean Island Countries and Territories (CICTs) in the creation of an enabling environment for sustainable energy investments and markets by mitigating existing barriers. The centre will coordinate and implement programs, projects and activities in the areas of capacity and policy development, information and data sharing, as well as investment and business promotion. It will...[more]
The project aims to support the Caribbean (CARICOM) countries in the use of Renewable Energies (RE) and Energy Efficiency (EE) through the Establishment of the Caribbean Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (CCREEE) in Barbados. The aim is to improve access to sustainable energy services for households, public institutions, businesses and industry in the Caribbean countries and territories. Using RE&EE is an effective tool to reduce dependence on fossil fuel imports and to redirect scarce resources to health, education and economic development. Target group, partner, and reg...[more]
In 2016 the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management (BMLFUW), together with major trade companies and the NGOs Greenpeace and Global 2000, adopted a voluntary agreement on the reduction of carrier bags. It is based on an amendment to the Packaging Directive of the EU according to which, by the year 2019, EU-Member States have to reduce the number of plastic carrier bags to 90 bags per person and year as a maximum. The voluntary agreement of the BMLFUW goes beyond the target of the EU-Directive. In line with the political objective of Federal Minister R...[more]
UNIDO in partnership with sub-regional economic communities (RECs) is establishing the Global Network of Regional Sustainable Energy Centers (GN-SEC), an innovative south-south and triangular multi-stakeholder partnership to accelerate the energy and climate transformation. Since 2010, UNIDO assists RECs in the establishment and operation of sub-regional sustainable energy centres. The expanding partnership comprises a sub-network of centers for the African and the Arab region (with the EAC, SADC, ECOWAS, and the Arab League) and a sub-network for Small Island Developing States (with SIDS DOCK...[more]
The Partnership aims at the establishment of a Network of Regional Sustainable Energy Centers for SIDS. The initiative follows-up on an official request of the Sustainable Energy Island Initiative (SIDS DOCK) of the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) to UNIDO to assist the small islands in the Caribbean, Pacific, Indian Ocean and Africa in the creation of regional sustainable energy centers. The SIDS DOCK request was inspired by UNIDO´s technical work in the context of the Global Network of Regional Sustainable Energy Centers. The UNIDO Department of Energy is coordinating the network in...[more]
The partnership aims at the establishment of the Pacific Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (PCREEE) under the umbrella of the Framework for Action on Energy Security in the Pacific (FAESP). The regional centre of excellence will support the Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs) in the mitigation of existing barriers for the creation of sustainable energy markets. It will support the strengthening of local capacities for the development and implementation of sustainable energy systems, policies and standards. It will empower the local private sector and industry to ta...[more]
PCREEE aims at improving access to modern, affordable and reliable energy services, energy security and mitigation of negative externalities of the energy system (e.g. local pollution and GHG emissions) by promoting renewable energy and energy efficiency investments, markets and industries in Pacific Island countries. PCREEE coordinates, executes and co-funds programmes, projects and activities in the scope of the following areas:
Through the establishment of the Pacific Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (PCREEE) in Tonga, the aim is to provide improved access to modern, affordable and reliable energy services, energy security for the Pacific Island States and Territories (PICTs). The activities of the Center further aim to mitigate negative externalities of the energy system (e.g. local pollution and GHG emission) by promoting renewable energy and energy efficiency investments, market and industries. PCREEE supports interventions in 22 PICTs and focuses primarily on activities and projects with regio...[more]
The Poverty-Environment Partnership (PEP) is an informal network of bilateral and multilateral development agencies, UN organisations and international NGOs. The PEP seeks to integrate poverty reduction, environmental sustainability and climate resilience in global, national and local development agendas. With agreement to the SDGs , the PEP is launching a ‘getting to zero’ call to action—a unifying vision for the SDGs of reaching zero extreme poverty, zero net greenhouse gas emissions, and zero net loss of natural assets. This will be the cornerstone of PEP’s future strategy and comm...[more]
Although a land locked country, Austria is connected via the Danube to the Black Sea and via the Rhine and Elbe to the North Sea. Measures aiming at the reduction of emissions into inland waters e.g. waste water treatment plants or agricultural activities - contribute to the reduction of discharges from catchment to the sea. During the past decades substantial measures to reduce nutrient and hazardous substances discharge into rivers and lakes have been implemented. A nationwide system for collection and treatment of urban wastewater was established and fully complies with the objectives of E...[more]