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December 2022 - You are accessing an archived version of our website. This website is no longer maintained or updated. The Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform has been migrated here:
*Originally submitted in Spanish and translated to English by the Secretariat
Key plans and strategies for the achievement of the Sustainable
Development Goals
Panama 2030
In 2016, the country’s political and social stakeholders came together, in the National Consultations for Development, to establish and adopt a forward-looking State strategy called “Panamá 2030”, seeking to map out the way to achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals in Panama.
The successful establishment of Panamá 2030 was the product of the joint efforts of industry, workers, non-governmental organizations, churches, academic institutions, indigenous peoples, political parties and Government institutions, all representing their sectors’ interests to the National Consultations for Development
Plan Panama: A Country for All — Zero Poverty
This Plan sees poverty as a phenomenon with a variety of manifestations and causes, and seeks to reduce poverty in general and eliminate extreme poverty through interconnected, cross-cutting social policies and programmes targeting the most disadvantaged, promoting their access to basic services, social welfare and family support, fostering the growth of human capital and the reduction and gradual narrowing of social divisions.
Priority Sustainable Development Goals
Priority goals
Panama 2030 establishes as priority Goals:
(a) Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages (Goal 3);
(b) Ensure inclusive and quality education for all and promote lifelong learning (Goal 4);
(c) Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all (Goal 8);
(d) Promote just, peaceful and inclusive societies (Goal 16).
Priority unifying themes
The unifying themes of public policy action for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the main priorities for the path to human development are equal opportunities, a cross-cultural approach, sustainability and decentralization.
Main challenges and areas of progress
Inter-institutional coordination
Through the multisectoral commission, the Social Affairs Office is promoting the alignment of public policy with the themes of the 2030 Agenda, with the aim of securing progress in line with the country’s development priorities. The process of alignment is guided by the Social Agenda for 2015-2019. The relevant action includes providing context for the targets and indicators associated with the Goals; mechanisms to monitor and follow up the Goals, and a communication, dissemination and information programme for the Goals.
The multidimensional poverty index was established as a principal instrument for shaping public policy. To that end, dimensions and indicators were selected, the disadvantages and gaps characterizing poverty were defined, deprivation was quantified and poverty was defined in multidimensional terms
Stakeholder participation and consultation
Participation and interaction
Through the Social Affairs Office, the Government held three consultations with public institutions, the National Assembly, women’s groups, indigenous peoples, people of African descent, young people, academics, entrepreneurs and aid agencies, in order to conduct an interactive strategy dialogue on what steps to take at national level to promote the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. The consultation began a convergence of the assistance agendas of the bodies of the United Nations system, the Social Affairs Office and Government and non-governmental counterparts.
Resources for implementation
Mechanism for interaction and consensus
Panama adopted the Sustainable Development Goals through Executive Decree No. 393, which established a mechanism for coordination between the Social Affairs Office, the National Consultations for Development and the Office of the Secretary for Presidential Goals.
Follow-up tools
Panama put in place a management system for governance, a technological tool which seeks to provide optimum traceability of State projects and programmes, and to increase efficiency. The system facilitates monitoring and management of priority goals, providing real-time information on the degree of alignment between plans and strategies and the Sustainable Development Goals and their targets.
Esta iniciativa que tendr una duracin de 3 aos (2017-2019), tiene como meta facilitar el consenso e implementacin de medidas de adaptacin al CC para mejorar la resiliencia de actividades productivas crticas para su subsistencia. Se fortalecern nuevas y existentes cadenas de valor en pesca y turismo, aumentando el nmero de beneficiarios, creando capacidades locales, incorporando nuevas alternativas de productos/servicios responsables, mejorando el aprovechamiento del recurso como preparacin ante una posible escasez debido a los cambios en el ocano. Para alcanzar estas metas, se analizar...[more]
Since its opening in 1914 the Panama Canal has reduced time and distances. More than a million vessels have used the route through Panama, cutting distances, reducing costs and changing the pattern of world trade. The expansion of the Canal has enlarged the capacity for cargo transportation on this route, thereby setting new standards for maritime trade and industry. The Panama Canal route with its expanded canal offers the maritime industry the opportunity to transport greater volumes of cargo using fewer ships. Moreover, it will reduce CO2 emissions and require fewer cargo movements by c...[more]
Equal pay for women and men for work of equal value is central to realizing gender equality and women's economic empowerment, reducing poverty and is beneficial to promote economic growth. EPIC aims to accelerate progress towards SDG target 8.5 by leveraging expertise across a diverse range of stakeholders through concrete actions on the ground and in workplaces.
The general objective of the Commission is to promote the effective conservation, management and development of the living marine resources of the area of competence of the Commission, in accordance with the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries, and address common problems of fisheries management and development faced by members of the Commission. 16 of WECAFC's 35 members are considered small island developing States.
Mejorar las capacidades para la evaluación, gestión y comunicación de la salud ambietal de los humedales en la República de Panamá, a través de los lineamientos establecidos por la convencion RAMSAR y la Politica Nacional de Humedales. Mas de 90 personas capacitadas en Planes de Manejo y Adaptacin Basada en Ecosistemas
The Zero Waste Program 2015-2035 is a local government Program that aims at reducing final disposition of wastes through four components: Raising Awareness, Logistics, Institutional Strengthening and Regulations, and Promotion of the Market; within the framework of the circular economy. The Program includes a pilot project which will be developed in three different sectors of the city of Panama. The pilot project, through a public-private partnership, has been initiated in the corregimiento of Bethania providing recycling stations, informal and formal awareness campaigns, monitoring, trans...[more]
Litter is found in all the world's oceans and seas, even in remote areas far from human contact and direct sources of the problem. The continuous growth in the amount of solid waste thrown away and the very slow rate of degradation of most items, especially plastic, are together leading to a gradual increase in marine litter found in the open ocean, on the seafloor and coastal ecosystems. It is an economic, environmental, human health and aesthetic problem posing a complex and multi-dimensional challenge. There is worry that rivers, streams, and seas where fishing is traditionally practiced, c...[more]
Según la Resolución de Gabinete No. 175, de 20 de diciembre 2016, que adopta el Plan Nacional para la Pesca sostenible. Que los recursos pesqueros tradicionales se encuentran bajo una excesiva presión, por un esfuerzo pesquero que se ha ido incrementando a través de los años sin debidos controles, lo que puede provocar la pérdida de estos recursos, si no se empieza a propiciar el manejo sostenible, con lo que se garantiza el futuro y la conservación de las especies; Que LA ARAP creada mediante la Ley 44 de 23 de noviembre de 2006, es la entidad rectora del Estado para asegurar el ...[more]
Desarrollo de la propuesta de Poltica Nacional de Costas y Mares de Panam que provea el marco nacional necesario para establecer las leyes y normativas que regulen y garanticen el uso sostenible de los recursos marino costeros y que promueva la gestin sostenible, la proteccin y desarrollo de las costas y ocanos, as como fortalecer la gestin de la calidad ambiental. Una Poltica Nacional de Costas y Mares establecera la estrategia y los lineamientos para fortalecer la gestin ambiental de la zona costera de manera integral, mediante una reforma estructural, la coordinacin interinstitucional efect...[more]
Desarrollo de la Poltica Nacional de Humedales de Panam y su Plan de Accin, a travs del apoyo tcnico en la revisin, actualizacin y validacin del borrador del documento de la Poltica Nacional de Humedales y su Plan de Accin, con enfoque de gnero. Para ello, se contar con la participacin de actores institucionales relevantes de perfil tcnico y poltico en el tema, incluyendo tanto el apoyo metodolgico, como estratgico para la generacin de todos los insumos necesarios que den sustento jurdico a dicha poltica.
Impulsar la seguridad alimentaria es la bandera del Programa de Masificacin, el cual diversifica e implementa nuevas tecnologas dentro de la cadena de valor para fortalecer la oferta y demanda de productos hidrobiolgicos de autoconsumo y comercializacin, salvaguardando las buenas prcticas y la trazabilidad con miras a su competitividad. A fin de que un mayor sector de la poblacin sea beneficiado, ampla su radio de accin en las ofertas y oportunidades que impliquen alcances con impactos y cambios tangibles en los sectores hacia los cuales va dirigido. Esta vez, bajo la ptica del contexto ...[more]
Las redes fantasmas son aquellos aparejos de pesca perdidos o descartados en los fondos marinos causando alteraciones en el ecosistema, las especies marinas y perjudicando las pesqueras de importancia económica de las comunidades costeras donde se encuentran. En este sentido, La Autoridad de los Recursos Acuáticos de Panamá a través de la Dirección de Ordenación y Manejo Integral ha realizado una propuesta de Manejo Integral para la Extracción y Recolección de la Basura Marina específicamente Redes Fantasmas mediante un Proceso Participativo (comunidad, pescadores artesanales, emp...[more]
El proyecto busca promover un proceso de discusin y concertacin con actores pblicos y privados involucrados en la gestin de residuos en Panam, con especial nfasis en la reduccin de uso de plsticos desechables y el aumento de la recuperacin de desechos plsticos y vidrio retornable, a travs de la creacin de normativa nacional en esta materia. Identificacin de normativas, propuestas y polticas existentes, as como el marco institucional relacionado con la gestin de residuos slidos en Panam. Anlisis FODA sobre la gestin de residuos slidos identificando adems contradicciones y conclusi...[more]
Se desea implementar un programa de manejo integral de residuos sólidos que garantice una logística de recolección de basura implementándose a los residentes de la Comunidad de la Isla de Taboga, así como también que el visitante tenga el deber de efectuar una verdadera gestión aplicando procesos o los Ciclos para el manejo eficiente, transparente y ambientalmente correcto de los residuos.