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June 2022 - You are accessing an old version of our website. The SDGs Voluntary Commitments have been migrated here: https://sdgs.un.org/partnerships
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In January 2018, the Coca-Cola system in Japan announced its 2030 Packaging Vision. Based on the global vision of The Coca-Cola Company to be collecting and recycling 100% of packaging (e.g. bottles and cans) used for Coca-Cola products sold worldwide by 2030, it targets the creation of a recycling-oriented society in Japan with respect to PET bottles, laying out a concrete action plan for activities around three pillars—Design, Collect and Partner.
In light of progress made through these initiatives, we decided in July 2019 to bring forward attainment of goals in Japan and aim for an even more comprehensive “World Without Waste.” Specifically, we have set new goals, including the following: (1) Achieve at least 50% recycled PET plastic usage by 2022 and increase that to 90% by 2030; (2) Switch to recyclable materials for packaging of all products sold in Japan by 2025; (3) Switch to 100% sustainable materials for all PET bottles by 2030 and aim for zero use of new fossil fuels.
The focus for “Design” is on switching to sustainable packaging materials and designs. Here, “packaging” refers to cans and glass bottles, too, not just PET bottles. In Japan, importance will be placed on promotion of bottle-to-bottle recycling, whereby PET bottles used for beverages or other products are collected and recycled for use in new PET bottles. The original target for this initiative has been brought well forward and the following figures were newly established. First, at least 50% utilization of recycled PET plastic is to be achieved by 2022. By 2030, the bottle-to-bottle recycling rate will be increased to 90%. By 2025, recyclable materials will be adopted for packaging of all products sold in Japan. The same year, PET bottles for all products will use sustainable materials (recycled or plant-based PET plastic). And by 2030, all materials used will be sustainable, the aim being to fully introduce packaging that does not require any new fossil fuels. Also by 2030, PET material usage per bottle will be reduced by 35% (compared to 2004).
For “Collect,” the aim is to be collecting one PET bottle for every Coca-Cola product sold in Japan by 2030. We also put effort into awareness-raising activities, for example through installation of recycling boxes and promotion of correct sorting of PET bottles and their caps and labels after use.
For “Partner,” the Coca-Cola system looks to help lift already very high PET bottle and can collection and recycling rates in Japan even further through collaboration with central and local government, the beverage industry and local communities on efforts to build and maintain more reliable packaging collection and recycling schemes. Taking advantage of its broad-reaching network, the Coca-Cola system aims to realize a World Without Waste by connecting with all stakeholders. For example, Coca-Cola Japan is conducting a survey of waste flows from land into rivers jointly with the Nippon Foundation. The findings will be complied for composing a public statement on policy recommendation for even more effective plastic resources use in Japan.
We are contributing toward the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Coca-Cola system in Japan implements sustainability initiatives in three domains—individuals (consumers), community, and environment—split into a total of nine core areas: beverage benefits, active healthy living, community, workplace, women, 2030 Packaging Vision, water stewardship, energy and climate, and sustainable agriculture.
We examine the relevance of initiatives in the three domains and nine core areas to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and support meaningful projects and partnerships that help communities achieve the goals. Working toward attainment of the SDGs is one way we contribute to the resolution of social problems in the community.
Under "environment" domain, 2030 Packaging Vision (updated July 2019) for a “World Without Waste,” we (1) Promote use of recycled or plant‑based PET; (2) Help improve PET bottle and can collection and recycling rates in Japan; and (3) Help keep communities clean, for example through cleanup campaigns, and actively participate in awareness activities about a World Without Waste.