Description/achievement of initiative
The Certificate in Sustainable Development will integrate the graduate education of students in the Master of Nonprofit Administration (MNA-SD) by giving them the essential competencies, skills and multidisciplinary knowledge to become globally responsible sustainable development leaders and managers. The program will officially start in Fall 2016, and was announced as part of the event "Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) - a Global Sector Responsibility" that was be held on October 22-24, 2015 on the occasion of the United Nations' 70th anniversary celebrations in San Francisco, California, USA.
Implementation methodologies
The methods employed in this initiative are centered in experiential learning, cross-sector (social sector and impact sector) and global-local (change the world from here) linking the San Francisco Bay Area companies, social innovation projects and NGOs with academic base networks for the promotion and measurement of social impact (sustainable impact). The methods will also reflect the values of our partnering organizations such as the Foundation for Sustainable Development (FSD), the Sustainable Capacity International Institute (SCII), World Engagement Institute (WEI) and others.
Arrangements for Capacity-Building and Technology Transfer
Through other developing partnerships with Kiva, Salesforce, Impact Hub, Not for Sale, etc. we aim to provide capacity development that is technically knowledgeable and innovative for international projects and needs like those manifested by our partnering organization, Jesuit Refugee Service.
Coordination mechanisms/governance structure
The initiative is headed by Dr. Marco Tavanti, MNA Program Director in coordination with the Dean and Associate Deans of the School of Management at University of San Francisco and faculty in the MNA Program and Public and Nonprofit Administration Department. The initiative also values on an international Advisory Board and the current MNA Advisory Board along the Nonprofit Student Council (NSC).
* University of San Francisco - Nonprofit Administration
* World Engagement Institute (WEI)
* Sustainable Capacity International Institute (SCII)