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IRENA's Renewable Energy Planning Activities
Description/achievement of initiative

Activities will consist of analysis, scenario modelling, strategy formulation, and training sessions to support the analysis of complex changes in terms of changing energy demand and other factors.

Implementation methodologies

By conducting analysis, scenario modelling, strategy formulation, and training sessions to support the analysis of complex changes in terms of capital stock turnover, technological change and changing energy demand.

Based on the scenario analysis, robust policy strategies will be proposed that account for uncertainty and risk on a continental, regional, and national level. Insights and tools will be transferred to countries to support the development of national policies. So far, the work is undertaken in collaboration with various universities, regional and national energy centres and organizations, utilities and their associations and equipment suppliers.

Arrangements for Capacity-Building and Technology Transfer

Coordination mechanisms/governance structure


IRENA Members and IRENA Signatories.
Progress reports
Goal 7
Develop scenarios and strategies for the five-subregions of Africa.
Energy planning and modelling training will be undertaken to support the dissemination of the power sector modelling tools that are developed to support the development of national policies on renewable energy.
Develop a global roadmap to achieve a doubling of renewable energy in global energy mix.

Basic information
Time-frame: - 2014
IRENA Members and IRENA Signatories.
Contact information
United Nations