Description/achievement of initiative
In recent years, Paraguay has prioritized reducing extreme poverty and child malnutrition. Although extreme poverty has decreased between 1997 and 2013, there has been a significant increase in the levels of inequality in rural areas. Therefore, the SDG-F has been supporting the government of Paraguay in its efforts to identify, at national level, integrated solutions to food security able to ensure a cross-sectoral and inclusive approach in order to engage different actors, such as indigenous and vulnerable rural households, in particularly female- headed families and to produce nutritious and diversified food production.
Implementation methodologies
The SDG Fund programme aims to support indigenous and rural populations identified in 3 departments which have been considered as highly vulnerable in economic, social and environmental terms. Relevant state institutions are generating a coordination space for permanent dialogue, promoting multi-sectoral efforts to improve food and nutrition security with social equity. The total programme budget has reached $3 million and half of it is funded by the SDG-F.
Arrangements for Capacity-Building and Technology Transfer
Coordination mechanisms/governance structure
UN agencies: WHO, UNICEF, FAO and WFP
National partners: National and local Government, Civil Society organizations and Indigenous organizations