Description/achievement of initiative
In Sri Lanka, the programme aims to combat food insecurity issues by closely aligning with national policies and using surveys completed on the national level to improve efficiency and effectiveness of investment on food security and nutrition. With the support of the National Nutrition Council, the programme has assisted the government in adopting well-informed decisions on targeting the appropriate recipients and in promoting the right combination of micro-nutrient rich foods. This program has also considered women a target group to empower and influence behavioral changes in children and within their households.
Implementation methodologies
Within the joint programme, WFP and FAO have provided technical and programmatic support to key ministries. WFP has conducting key surveys and pilot studies of fortified rice, double fortified salt and micronutrient powders to identify the viability of current government initiatives. FAO has changing behavior and attitudes by concentrating on nutrition education for school children, training teachers, revising curriculum, improving guidelines and increasing school capacities to address nutrition levels.
Arrangements for Capacity-Building and Technology Transfer
Coordination mechanisms/governance structure
UN agencies: WFP, FAO and UNICEF
National partners: Government ministries, research institutes and Save the Children