Description/achievement of initiative
The Livestock Environmental Assessment and Performance (LEAP) Partnership is a first-of-its-kind, multi-stakeholder partnership of Governments, Private Sectors, NGOs and CSOs.LEAP guiding principles include: global, inclusive, consensus, transparency, scientific, comprehensive, continuous improvement and adoption. Objective: To build global consensus on science-based methodology, indicators and databases for understanding the environmental performance of livestock supply chains in order to shape evidence-based policy measures and business strategies. Vision: To support the transition towards more sustainable food and agriculture by improving the environmental performance of livestock supply chains while ensuring social and economic viability.
Implementation methodologies
Technical Advisory Groups (TAGs) are special groups made up of experts drawn from around the world (academia, private sector and NGOs). They are formed to develop the guidance and methodology for measurement of environmental performance. These groups meet 2-3 times a year in-person and carry out work on-line between meetings. Draft technical documents and data undergo to a multi-step review stretching from an external, independent technical review, to several internal reviews up to a public review in which context relevant scientific communities are specifically targeted.
Arrangements for Capacity-Building and Technology Transfer
Capacity-building efforts include: Involvement of regional experts at the level of those TAGs in charge of the various livestock sector-specific guidance documents; Dissemination of LEAP technical documents through FAO website; Involvement of regional experts in reviewing of LEAP data and methodologies; Testing of LEAP guidelines in various countries and in different application contexts; Cooperation with University networks and CSOs.
Coordination mechanisms/governance structure
LEAP works with governments, industry associations, academia, NGOs & CSOs, and other organizations around the world to build credible, effective and robust accounting methods and metrics that serve as a foundation to address the sustainability challenges faced by the livestock sector. The LEAP Partnership Secretariat is hosted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in view of its global mandate and within the Partnership plays a coordination and facilitation role. As a neutral forum, FAO provides the setting where stakeholders come together to build a common understanding and dialogue. The Steering Committee provides overall leadership to LEAP and approves the work program. Currently, the Steering Committee is made up of three stakeholder groups representing private sectors, Governments, and Civil Society. Decision-making is made by consensus and the Chair is rotated annually across the three groups.
Countries: France, The Netherlands, Ireland, New Zealand, Switzerland, Italy, Nigeria. Private sector: International Feed Industry Federation (IFIF); European Vegetable Oil and Proteinmeal Industry (FEDIOL); International Meat Secretariat (IMS); International Egg Commission (IEC); International Poultry Council (IPC); International Federation for Animal Health (IFAH); International Dairy Federation (IDF); International Council of Tanners (ICT); International Wool and Textiles Organization (IWTO). CSOs and NGOs: International Planning Committee for food sovereignty; World Wildlife Fund (WWF); International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN); World Vision. Advisory/Observers/Networking: ISO; UNEP; EC; JRC; Global Agenda for Sustainable Livestock; Global Alliance for Climate-Smart Agriculture; Global Research Alliance, OIE