Description/achievement of initiative
The initiative seek to ensure healthy lives and promote well being for people of all ages especial mothers of reproductive age and under five children by mobilizing schools in malaria elimination. The program impact will reduce out of pocket health expenditure on malaria commodity, thereby reducing extreme poverty for all people especially the vulnerable rural population, promote access to health care services and universal health coverage and number of malaria associated illness and deaths and malaria epidemic in Nigeria and Africa region.
Implementation methodologies
1. Consultative meetings and Advocacy visits to Ministry of Education, School Proprietress, Post Primary School Management Board2. School Social Mobilization 3. Capacity building training on Malaria Prevention and Environmental sanitation and hygiene4. Monitoring & Evaluation of the inputs, outputs, outcome and the impact of the program5. Project Administrations
Arrangements for Capacity-Building and Technology Transfer
1. Capacity building training on Malaria basic2. Capacity building on the effect of Malaria in Pregnancy3. Capacity building on the impact of malaria on feotus, neonate, and infants4. Prevention of Malaria using LLITN, Intermittent Residual Spraying, 5. Treatment using ACT6. Promotion of Antenatal Care Visits
Coordination mechanisms/governance structure
Implementing partners - Daniel Iroegbu Global Dental Health Care Foundation (Field Partner) - Schools - Peers - Households
Ministries of Health and Education, Post Primary School Management Board, Malaria Consortium, & Roll Back Malaria