Description/achievement of initiative
Being a densely populated country with limited natural resources, Bangladesh is severely suffering from the energy crisis since past few decades. Due to the limitation in fossil fuel reserve, the only way to minimize the supply-demand gaps in the energy sector is switching towards the alternative renewable energy sources. The initiatives of alternative energy resources with low carbon emission from both the government and the private investors are still on the infancy stages. There have been some remarkable achievements as the rural people who have started using green energy systems.
Implementation methodologies
The technology that has been chosen is: Energy from Biomass (Waste-to-energy, biogas production efficiency and potentially community biogas projects).For achieving the result mentioned above, KSF intends to follow a two pronged strategy over a period of eighteen months—i) KSF will come up with a next-generation domestic biogas plant that is not only more efficient, but environmentally friendly through the use of recyclable materialsii) KSF will come up with a technological design that makes the domestic biogas plants less susceptible to already observed operational constraints (e.g. construction flaws, problem of appliances, energy inefficiency, portability, and resistance to natural disaster)iii) KSF will carry out scientific research on increasing the efficiency of domestic biogas production through in-depth analysis of the feedstock and operational dynamicsiv) KSF will pilot-test the next generation plants among the target population and standardize them to the performance of KSF dairy model establishing an innovative business model (e.g. quality assurance through community guarantee system, training of staff, innovative payment method, after-sales service)Target Group and Beneficiary:The initial target would be piloting the new technology and delivery model on up to fifty households (only KSF members’ households) in Panchagarh district, with a longer term goal of scaling it up on all members of KSF, and eventually exploring the possibility of country-wide implementation through KSF’s parent company Gemcon.
Arrangements for Capacity-Building and Technology Transfer
Key Interventions:The key interventions under the project, each of which will have one or more corresponding and measurable output(s) are listed here—i) Developing a more efficient domestic biogas plant technology that is potentially green and environmentally responsibleii) Enhancing domestic biogas production through effective study of the processes in Domestic Biogas Digesters (DBDs) and ensuring their sustainable operationiii) Helping the households of the pilot community adopt the technologyiv) Implementing the barter payment model where users will be enabled with easy repayment (through cow dung, bio-slurry, milk etc.)Biogas Business PlanKazi Shahid Foundation (KSF) has been working in partnership with rural villagers for over 15 years. In that time it has developed many successful programs including its Dairy Cooperative Program for female entrepreneurship. A first of its kind in Bangladesh, this cashless microfinance program provides its members with cows with the ownership transferred in exchange for milk and cow dung instead of cash.Although this is a new program for KSF, it is not new to our parent company Gemcon. Gemcon has more than a decade of experience successfully operating medium and large size plants across many facilities in Panchagarh District. KSF is leveraging that knowledge and experience to bring Biogas technology to our 6000 Diary Cooperative members. In order to do so efficiently we are doing away with the old fashioned “brick & mortar” plants in favour of fibreglass and resins. However, there is more than simply a modern Biogas Plant technology that is required for this program to be successful. KSF has developed a holistic, four way approach consisting of Technology, Training, Support, and Entrepreneurship (TTSE).
Coordination mechanisms/governance structure
Kazi Shahid Foundation (KSF) has been working in partnership with rural villagers for over 15 years. In order to help its membership live healthier and more productive lives, KSF has developed its Biogas Program. The continuous burning of biomass fuels leads to long term health issues, predominantly among the women of the household. The amount of wood consumed, also contributes to an increase of green house gas emissions and is in part responsible for deforestation. Burning dried cow dung is a cheap alternative compared to other Biomass fuels. Bangladesh has a long standing tradition of utilizing dung/manure exclusively as the feedstock for biogas plants where as India has focused mainly on food waste. This project takes mixed approach, using both dung and waste food to produce cooking fuel by allowing the Biogas Plant to operate more efficiently. Attempting another first for Bangladesh, KSF is utilizing the same “no cash” microfinance repayment system. Through this system KSF will be reimbursed the cost of the Biogas Plant through the effluent slurry, as well as, excess cow dung or milk. KSF hopes to continue the Biogas Program by bringing biogas to the rural villages of Panchagarh district. In order to make biogas a viable alternative to the current biomass fuels used in cooking we have developed this multi-prong approach, which was developed through careful research into the latest technologies available in Bangladesh. In depth understanding of the needs and concerns of the village people; a comprehensive training program was developed, provided full support structure able to deal quickly with both simple and complex problems and finding innovative methods to use the bioslurry as a regular income generating asset.
Kazi Shahid Foundation (KSF), Madina Tank Ltd., Beneficiaries of the KSF (Women) Cow Rearing Program