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World Social Capital Monitor
Description/achievement of initiative

Social goods (trust, solidarity, helpfulness, friendliness and hospitality) is a interdisciplinary non-material core asset to achieving the SDG. Our Social Capital Assessment runs in 50 languages and 129 countries today. The Open Access Software allows to identifying, to assessing, to enhancing and to encouraging local social goods.The first World Social Capital Monitor will activate and stimulate the Social Capital worldwide to meet the SDG.

Implementation methodologies

The Social Capital Assessment is the first worldwide survey offering anonymity (no registration required) and open access to every citizen. Therefore the local results depend on the participation. As our tests in Nepal, Sao Paulo, Cambodia, Bavaria and Afghanistan showed, the best way to achieve answers is to involve local organizations such as smaller NGO, cooperatives and local initiatives, universities and media.But what is the outcome and application of the results?The Social Capital Assessment is not created for data-mining and then offering aggregated data. The eight questions are made to directly stimulate, encourage, protect, develop and recover the social goods they ask for. So the participation itself is an implementation yet. The assessment creates the awareness for Social Capital and directly encourages it, e.G. in many developing countries we found excellent and sometimes outstanding scores for friendliness and hospitality as well as for the willingness to invest in local cooperatives.Achieving the SDG depends on activating the local Social Capital. Today's social media applications such as http://trustyourplace.com can overcome the separation between collecting data and using/applying them.So carrying out our initiative means to assessing as much places as possible by millions of citizens.The World Social Capital Monitor will change the perspective on social goods and perceptions.

Arrangements for Capacity-Building and Technology Transfer

The unique Software Platform of the World Social Capital Monitor has been designed by PCT-patent holder Dr. Alexander Dill http://www.google.com/patents/EP1658569A1?cl=en&hl=de and the Computer Scientist (Technical University of Munich) Nazmus Saquib. The Platform is designed to allow:- to add any further language in the databank and to detect the language by browser- to open new accounts for partners with different questions and designs- to answering without any registration and without giving any personal socio-demographic data- to giving a direct receipt and response for the score mobile and per mail- assessing a place or country in the language you want (important e.g. for migrants and refugees)- Open Access (in opposite to the Gallup World Poll (GWP) and the World Value Survey (WVS)- to export the data in many formats such as in Excel. The platform https.//trustyourplace.com is able to assess even the smallest villages and communities in rural areas.Working with the results allows to find correlations between the eight items of Social Capital and other aggregated data such as on demography, economy, health, security, environmental protection, education, gender, governance and other data.In Bavaria, Germany the Social Capital Assessment has been combined with the question: "How strong are environmental issues backed in your town/village?" from 10 (very strong) to 1 (not at all)The results was that advocating environmental protection went together with a high amount of trust, solidarity (co-financing public goods) and helpfulness, but not with friendliness and hospitality.There are around two million places worldwide with a postal code. The World Social Capital Monitor will be an outstanding source for the information, the protection and the acceleration of local social goods.

Coordination mechanisms/governance structure

The Social Capital Assessment works with local partners that spread and promote the results. Ideally these are universities and schools that can involve their students and candidates and therefore being able to transfer the knowledge on Social Capital directly to their society. The Social Capital Assessment is governed by a Managing Director, an Advisory Board and local Project Managers. The strategic and scientific input comes from the Advisory Board, that today consists of Pahlaj Moolio, Professor and Co-Dean at the Department of Economics of the Pannasastra University of Cambodia and Professor Horst Teltschik. Teltschik was the advisor of German Chancellor Helmut Kohl during the reunification, Director of the Bertelsmann Foundation and Member of Board at BMW. He is a member of the reunification commission of Korea.The World Social Capital Monitor is a non-partisan project independent from governments, groups and the agenda of donors. It is only financed by subscriptions of the results and research on Social Capital.The Advisory Board is open to further personalities from all over the world but will not have more than 20 members in total. The Board works by drafts delivered by the management and helps to involve further institutions and organizations as well as to ensure the scientific quality.


Basel Institute of Commons and Economics, Basel, Switzerland, Pannasastra University of Cambodia, Institute for Economics, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Institute for Public Policies and Good Governance (IPPM), Tirana, Albania, International University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia, Studies and Economic Media Center (SEMC), Yemen, Youth Association for Development (YAD), Quetta, Pakistan, University of Montenegro, Niksic, Montenegro, University of Ghana, Kumasi, Ghana, University of Herat, Herat, Afghanistan, University of Siena, Siena, Italy, Swiss Development Cooperation Laos, Vientiane, Laos, Management Innovation, Training and Research Academy (MITRA), Kathmandu, Nepal, NUAWE (National Workers Union of Afghanistan), Kabul, Afghanistan , Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities Skopje, Skopje, Macedonia, Bürgerinitiative Zivilcourage, Vöcklabruck, Austria University of Montenegro, Faculty of Philosophy, Niksic, Montenegro, Institute for Development Research Riinvest, Prishtine, Kosovo University of Zagreb, Institute for Sociology, Zagreb, Croatia, University of Niš, Nis, Serbia, Centre de Recherche pour la Gestion de la Biodiversité (CRGB), Cotonou, Benin, National Coalition of Civil Society Organizations of Liberia (NACCSOL), Monrovia, Liberia, CITOYENS EN ACTION POUR LA DÉMOCRATIE ET LE DÉVELOPPEMENT (ONGCADD), Lomé, Togo,
Progress reports

Basic information
Time-frame: February 2016 - March 2022
Basel Institute of Commons and Economics, Basel, Switzerland, Pannasastra University of Cambodia, Institute for Economics, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Institute for Public Policies and Good Governance (IPPM), Tirana, Albania, International University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia, Studies and Economic Media Center (SEMC), Yemen, Youth Association for Development (YAD), Quetta, Pakistan, University of Montenegro, Niksic, Montenegro, University of Ghana, Kumasi, Ghana, University of Herat, Herat, Afghanistan, University of Siena, Siena, Italy, Swiss Development Cooperation Laos, Vientiane, Laos, Management Innovation, Training and Research Academy (MITRA), Kathmandu, Nepal, NUAWE (National Workers Union of Afghanistan), Kabul, Afghanistan , Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities Skopje, Skopje, Macedonia, Bürgerinitiative Zivilcourage, Vöcklabruck, Austria University of Montenegro, Faculty of Philosophy, Niksic, Montenegro, Institute for Development Research Riinvest, Prishtine, Kosovo University of Zagreb, Institute for Sociology, Zagreb, Croatia, University of Niš, Nis, Serbia, Centre de Recherche pour la Gestion de la Biodiversité (CRGB), Cotonou, Benin, National Coalition of Civil Society Organizations of Liberia (NACCSOL), Monrovia, Liberia, CITOYENS EN ACTION POUR LA DÉMOCRATIE ET LE DÉVELOPPEMENT (ONGCADD), Lomé, Togo,
Contact information
Alexander Dill, Doctor, dill@commons.ch
United Nations