Description/achievement of initiative
Egypt is committed to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs and has already taken important steps. In February 2016, Egypt officially launched its Sustainable Development Strategy: Egypt Vision 2030. The strategy spans the 3 dimensions of SD, namely; economic, social and environmental. Efforts are underway to align the Strategy’s key performance indicators to the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs. The Government formally expressed to the UN system in Egypt, including UNDP, its needs for coordination and technical support to advance with the roll-out of the 2030 Agenda. These include stakeholder engagement, M&E, reporting, localizing the SDGs and data.
Implementation methodologies
UNDP will assist the Ministry of International Cooperation institutional set and organizational systems to lead the process of SDG mainstreaming.
Arrangements for Capacity-Building and Technology Transfer
Buisdling national capcity to monitoring evaluiate SDG (working with national Statistcall Office- CAPMAS). Building capcity of policy makers and raising awareness of national counterpart, parliamentarians, and officials.
Coordination mechanisms/governance structure
A review management group (RMG), composed by 2 UNDP members (1 monitoring & evaluation officer, 1 programme officer) and 1 member from the Government focal point on SDGs. The group will assist in identify the relevant SDGs stakeholders, advocay and awareness raising actionsl, carrying out the day-to-day implementation of the review process including logistics and ensuring the quality of the review report and major deliverables.
Ministry of International Cooperation, UNDP Egypt