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Más Mujeres Public Private Partnership for women empowerment in private organizations
Description/achievement of initiative

Transformation iniciative to involve chairmen and CEOs to improve the number of women in their organizations. Our aspiration is to reach 2020 having at least 30% women on boards and executive comitees of IPSA and IGPA Chilean companies. We are challenging CEOs and chairmen in such companies to accelerate progress by voluntary agreements. We recognize that better gender balance leads to better results and that cuotas are not the best arpproach. We have an agenda to reach this aspiration and we are implementing it in colaboration with various stake holders such as business universities, women empowerment ONGs, Media, Head Hunters, Government, etc.

Implementation methodologies

Our plan of activities for this first year 2016 is focused in 3 challenges: 1. Leadership - involve business leaders and other change agents to work on the barriers that are impelling the progress of women in our organizations; 2. Development - make sure that promotion and evaluation systems in our organizations contribute to gender equity; 3. productivity and public policies _ colaborate in public policies definition to improve women participation at all leveles and make sure corresponsibility in our organizations

Arrangements for Capacity-Building and Technology Transfer

Coordination mechanisms/governance structure

Public private partnership agreement coordination table (reporting to consejo consultivo de genero lead by subsecretaria economia) board +mujeresexec comitee +mujeressinergies CoP (monthly meeting to create sinergies with associations focused in women empowerment).


Subsecretaría economía, +Mujeres, CPC y Accion RSE
Progress reports
Goal 5
5.5 - Ensure women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making in political, economic and public life
public private agreement
Dec 2016
Significative increse of the number of comanies that are signing WEPs in Chile
June 2016
constitution of the network RED Organizaciones por el empleo de las mujeres (RED OEF)
June 2016
Head Hunters manifiesto for women promotion signature
In-kind contribution
organizations such as prohumana, sofofa, empresas electricas,bid support this iniciative
Staff / Technical expertise
team of experts in strategic comunications, human resources and change management are voluntary working for this iniciative

Basic information
Time-frame: 29 of april 2016 - 29 of april 2016
Subsecretaría economía, +Mujeres, CPC y Accion RSE
Contact information
maria elena sanz, Exec VP sustainability and HHRR and Founder +Mujeres , msanz@cap.cl
United Nations