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Please Do Touch Project
Description/achievement of initiative

The Please Do Touch installations unpack possible scenarios whereby 5 Sustainable Development Goals would not be pursued. The purpose of inviting the audience to interact with the art by touching and listening to it is to engage with the topic on as many levels as possible.

Implementation methodologies

The art installation is designed to raise awareness at all levels: A series of 5 diptychs - pairs of paintings. Each diptych addresses one of the 6 goals described above. The pairs will describe the results of a sustainable approach to each goal and that of an unsustainable scenario. For example, in the photos below (work in progress) a healthy sea is populated by a diversity of fauna and flora - life abounds. If the sea environment is not protected on the other hand, much of this diversity is in danger as it is extremely susceptible to even micro-changes in temperature and composition. These diptychs will address the “with” and “without” scenario in a blunt and bold way. Space requirements: The 5 pairs of works are being produced in acrylic on unframed canvas. Each work measures about 160 X 120 cm - with the only specification that each pair be installed together to outline the tension of opposite outcomes.Please Do Touch aligns with the following New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs strategic objectives that New Zealand seeks to achieve by 2019:4. Maximise the impact of New Zealand’s engagement in improving the prosperity, stability and resilience of the Pacific Islands region and its people5. Promote sound international solutions on climate change, natural resources and environmental protection7. Build robust and enduring organisational capability to deliver strengthened and coherent international engagement

Arrangements for Capacity-Building and Technology Transfer

We meet with a wide range of people from peers to decision makers to advocate for the project. Please Do Touch demonstrates that the disability sector can contribute to the community as a whole, by facilitating sensory art experiences to all community members whilst addressing our core present and future challenges. We record information and progress on the project blog at: tinyurl.com/taking-action-unesco

Coordination mechanisms/governance structure

The project is lead by an emerging disabled artist Yaniv Janson with experience in running long term projects and an unfailing passion for environmental protection. Yaniv is backed up by a team of volunteers and paid staff. Following the endorsement from the New Zealand Human Rights Commission (see webpage link), we have submitted a proposal to the New Zealand Government to exhibit at the United Nations. We have the enthusiastic support of officials and the New Zealand media and these collaborations will produce the desired outcomes. Please Do Touch also advocates for increased access to the arts for people with a disability. A funding proposal has been submitted with much support to the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and in process now, to support the costs of the first exhibition in New York City by June 2016. Following this, Yaniv has been invited to a conference in Europe on the theme of Sustainable Development and Disability. Data will be collected on awareness-raising impact on the audience.


Yaniv Janson, artist, Project Leader; Ecosynergy Group, New Zealand and Human Rights Commission, New Zealand
Progress reports
Goal 1
1.a - Ensure significant mobilization of resources from a variety of sources, including through enhanced development cooperation, in order to provide adequate and predictable means for developing countries, in particular least developed countries, to implement programmes and policies to end poverty in all its dimensions
Goal 6
6.b - Support and strengthen the participation of local communities in improving water and sanitation management
Goal 8
8.3 - Promote development-oriented policies that support productive activities, decent job creation, entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation, and encourage the formalization and growth of micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises, including through access to financial services
Goal 13
13.3 - Improve education, awareness-raising and human and institutional capacity on climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning
Goal 14
First exhibition carried out in New York City to start global campaign
Proposal to exhibit at the United Nations on behalf of New Zealand sent
Second exhibition planned in Europe
Film clip describing the exhibition for social media delivery
Staff / Technical expertise
A team of artists and advocates collaborating to complete objectives
In-kind contribution
Five professionals to assist the team

Basic information
Time-frame: 04/16 - 12/17
Yaniv Janson, artist, Project Leader; Ecosynergy Group, New Zealand and Human Rights Commission, New Zealand
Contact information
Yaniv Janson, Artist and Please Do Touch Project Leader, yaniv.janson@egl.ac.nz
United Nations