Description/achievement of initiative
Environment Online - ENO is a global virtual school and network for sustainable development. Our voluntary network has spread to over 10 000 schools in 157 countries. Schools started to plant trees in 2004 and have planted 20 million by now. Our aim is to plant 100 million trees by 2017.
Implementation methodologies
ENO is based on volunteering and networking. Since 2000 it has reached many schools and partner organisations that are aware of ENO and its tree planting campaign. There are national coordinators in 141 countries. In 2011 ENO organised a conference in Finland where national coordinators made their plans how to reach the goal. Trees are planted especially in UN thematic days in May (ecological biodiversity) and September (day for peace). Schools cannot do this alone. To support the campaign, ENO Green Cities Network was established in 2012. ENO Treelympics was initiated in 2014, to empower schools in a tree planting contest. Ministries from different countries have made a commitment to reach this goal, empowering schools to plant trees in their countries. The number of trees with commitment is now 103,5 million trees.
Arrangements for Capacity-Building and Technology Transfer
Coordination mechanisms/governance structure
ENO Network is coordinated by the ENO Programme Association based in Finland. It has a board of five members and chief executive manager. It has an annual meeting. ENO is a voluntary network and there is a national coordinator and team in every participating country. ENO International council represents coordinators from different continents. There are also other supportive networks like ENO Green Cities.
ENO Programme Association / ENO-verkkokoulun tuki , Finland, ENO Green Cities Network, ENO International Council, The City of Joensuu, Finland, Learning About Forests (LEAF), UNESCO Aspnet Schools, IEARN school network, Ministries of environment in UN countries