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Description/achievement of initiative

To promote career opportunities for young Nigerian's especially girls in Science Technology Engineering & Mathematics ( STEM) thorough the Camp activities which makes STEM based subjects a fun to learn. Join the Facebook group to learn more about the event and others hosted in the past :https://www.facebook.com/groups/458837284307464/?pnref=story

Implementation methodologies

Participants are drawn from Senior Secondary School 2-3 with exceptionally high academic backgrounds especially Mathematics. The participants convene at a Camp location designated for the event from their various schools. They attend lessons and participate in all camp activities which include visits to places of Scientific value. Varieties of Careers opportunities available especially in the green economy is provided to participating Students through a structured Career Guidance Counselling Session.

Arrangements for Capacity-Building and Technology Transfer

TechWomen Alumnae and other Tech based Organizations will provide fun and interactive sessions on coding, developing apps to solve local problems and other applications of technology towards solving everyday problems.

Coordination mechanisms/governance structure

Activities for the camp are structured into: Educational; Recreational, Social; Entrepreneurial; Civic and Enrichment activities. These ensures that participants strengthen their academic activities in the subjects identified through practical experiences and learning methodologies that dispel the fear associated with STEM based subjects especially Mathematics. The signature event of the Camp which is the Crowning of a Camp Queen of Mathematics provides participant's an opportunity to relate themes studied in mathematics to everyday life.


TechWomen Alumnae, Ministry of Education
Progress reports
Goal 5
5.5 - Ensure women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making in political, economic and public life
5.a - Undertake reforms to give women equal rights to economic resources, as well as access to ownership and control over land and other forms of property, financial services, inheritance and natural resources, in accordance with national laws
5.b - Enhance the use of enabling technology, in particular information and communications technology, to promote the empowerment of women
Goal 8
Goal 15
Goal 16
10th August 2017
Declare camp closed and compile report
15th, June 2017
Confirm all financial and logistics relating to the host of the camp
30th July 2017
Declare camp open and camp starts
30th, June 2017
Send letters of invitations to participating Schools and Students
Financing (in USD)
77,352 USD
In-kind contribution
Educational Resource materials, food, bag packs containing toiletries and personal hygiene materials for girls
Staff / Technical expertise
Enrichment activities Resource Persons, Recreational activities Resource Persons, Matron, Educational Resource Persons and on camp Medical Personnel
Other, please specify
Gift items such as palmtops, notebook's, scholarships, School boarding facilities, promotional educational resources e.t.c.s

Basic information
Time-frame: 30, 2017/July - 10,2017/August
TechWomen Alumnae, Ministry of Education
Contact information
Binta Moustapha, Mrs, Binta.Moustapha2010@gmail.com
United Nations