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Happy Green Trip with Kia Motors
Description/achievement of initiative

'Happy Green Trip with Kia Motors' provides free travel to people with disabilities who have lacked the opportunity to travel due to lack of transportation, economic conditions or tourist facilities. Green Trip is a program that allows people with disabilities to freely travel with their family, friends or colleagues to wherever they want at the time of their choosing. To this end, we provide modified vehicles free of charge to facilitate convenient boarding and driving without the inconveniences caused by physical difficulties.

Implementation methodologies

1. Fundamentally, we provide car-based travel assistance programs to improve the transportation rights of the disabled. We provide modified vehicles free of charge that allow disabled persons to drive on their own, can load wheelchairs easily, and are accessible by all persons (disabled, elderly, etc.). We also provide driver assistance to disabled persons (and their companions) who cannot drive, fuel support required for travel, and travel expenses as needed. This program is available to anyone with disabilities who have subscribed at the Green Trip website (greentrip.kr ). 2. We implement programs designed to develop domestic tourist attractions (cultural heritages) and promote travel by the disabled. We have 50 students (ten five-member teams composed of two disabled students and three non-disabled college students each) to conduct surveys on the accessibility of the nation's tourist attractions for the disabled in an effort to provide the disabled with customized tourist information while raising awareness and improving understandings of disability. In addition, upon the completion of the program, we publish books containing information on recommended travel courses and barrier-free travel information for the disabled and distribute the publications to the National Assembly, local governments, and disability-related organizations as part of our effort to advocate for improvements in convenience facilities for the disabled at tourist attractions (cultural heritages). 3. We publish all major developments and provide continuous feedback through quarterly newsletters. We also include in the publications all the projects that have been carried out during the quarter for those who have taken advantage of Green Trip and supported Green Trip. To secure in-house publicity and support for the initiative among Kia employees who are not aware of the Green Trip initiative, we distribute newsletters to all Kia Motors business sites.

Arrangements for Capacity-Building and Technology Transfer

1. In an effort to promote sustainable corporate development, we constantly get in touch with our customers either online or offline. - Online: In line with rapid developments of the information age, we provide information to our customers through email newsletters daily or weekly as well as interactive SNS-based communication to keep in contact with them anytime, anywhere. - Offline: At the end of each year, we arrange a special gathering with customers that have taken advantage of Green Trip throughout the year. At the event, we express our gratitude to them through the presentation of awards for excellent essays on their experiences with Green Trip as well as special performances and gifts to all the participants, which in turn naturally helps expand the support base for the initiative. 2. We spread our philosophy and operational know-how regarding the initiative to local governments and other organizations so that they develop and implement diverse programs designed to provide mobility to vulnerable groups of people by using Green Trip as a standard model in the country's public and private sectors. - Incheon Metropolitan City: Incheon Metropolitan City has been supporting travel by people with disabilities in the region since February 2017 with Green Trip set as a model. Our company's Green Trip know-how and systems have been reflected in the city's program planning and execution. - Korea City Gas Association: Launched in September 2015 by the association, the Mindeullae Car Project modeled after the Green Trip initiative provides vehicle-based travel to members of non-profit organizations nationwide. The project reflects all the major details of the Green Trip initiative ranging from planning to implementation.

Coordination mechanisms/governance structure

The 'Happy Green Trip with Kia Motors' is run by Kia Motors in conjunction with Green Light, a nonprofit organization. Kia Motors not only enables people with disabilities to freely travel but also establishes strategies to further promote their travel rights. It also distributes operating funds to Green Light, a direct executing agency of the project, and conducts Green Trip program together. For the disabled living outside the Seoul Metropolitan Area, we have built a strong cooperative network with major regional organizations such as the Union of the Handicapped Associations in Busan, the Gwangju Donggu Welfare Center for the Differently Abled Person, and the Daejeon Metropolitan Sonsori Community Relief Center. In addition, we have established a network of cooperation with government agencies such as the Seoul Metropolitan Government (to improve awareness of Seoul citizens and support tours by the people with disabilities living in Seoul), the Ministry of National Defense and the Korean Army (to support the travel of new recruits' disabled parents) and the Korea Employment Agency for the Disabled (to support disabled workers' healing trips). We organize diverse themed trips for disabled people as well as strive to improve the social awareness of people with disabilities. Also, in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, the Cultural Heritage Administration, and the National Institute of Special Education, we conduct surveys on the accessibility of major travel destinations, tourist attractions and cultural properties in Korea.


Kia Motors, Green Light Association Inc.(NGO in Korea) The Union of the Handicapped Association in Busan Gwangju Donggu Center for Differently Abled Person Daejeon Metropolitan Community Relief Center (Continuously Expanding Local Partnership)
Progress reports
Goal 10
10.2 - By 2030, empower and promote the social, economic and political inclusion of all, irrespective of age, sex, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion or economic or other status
10.3 - Ensure equal opportunity and reduce inequalities of outcome, including by eliminating discriminatory laws, policies and practices and promoting appropriate legislation, policies and action in this regard
Goal 11
11.2 - By 2030, provide access to safe, affordable, accessible and sustainable transport systems for all, improving road safety, notably by expanding public transport, with special attention to the needs of those in vulnerable situations, women, children, persons with disabilities and older persons
11.7 - By 2030, provide universal access to safe, inclusive and accessible, green and public spaces, in particular for women and children, older persons and persons with disabilities
Goal 17
17.17 - Encourage and promote effective public, public-private and civil society partnerships, building on the experience and resourcing strategies of partnerships

Data, monitoring and accountability
Dec / 2017
Support for the travel by 9,000 people with disabilities and their family members / Compilation of 800 pieces of travel information customized for the disabled
Dec / 2018
Support for the travel by 9,300 people with disabilities and their family members / Compilation of 1,000 pieces of travel information customized for the disabled
Dec / 2019
Support for the travel by 9,600 people with disabilities and their family members / Compilation of 1,200 pieces of travel information customized for the disabled
Dec / 2020
Support for the travel by 10,000 people with disabilities and their family members / Compilation of 1,400 pieces of travel information customized for the disabled
Staff / Technical expertise
Drivers, college student volunteers (hired for the program), car wash volunteers and project operational manpower
Other, please specify
Vehicle expenses and related costs, online platform operations, support for survey activities, costs incurred in the process of raising awareness, etc. (about KRW 1.1 - 1.5 billion annually)

Basic information
Time-frame: 2012 - undefined
Kia Motors, Green Light Association Inc.(NGO in Korea) The Union of the Handicapped Association in Busan Gwangju Donggu Center for Differently Abled Person Daejeon Metropolitan Community Relief Center (Continuously Expanding Local Partnership)
Contact information
Minho Lee, Manager, minho608@kia.com
United Nations