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Good Governance in Sustainable Development
Description/achievement of initiative

In a global village where we live at present, it is in everyone's interest that any society ideally meets the above-mentioned conditions. However, some societies have difficulties achieving those conditions, despite their best effort to actively seek and work towards these goals. On the other hand, some societies have the capability and means to assist other because of their experience, working knowledge, as well as available resources. Therefore, a proactive effort to achieve such conditions should becomes prime vehicle for global cooperation. The objective of Good Governance in Sustainable Development (GGSD) Program is to assist societies to develop on effective government within a democratic system, and to implement sustainable development principles through global partnership.

To enhance local implementation actions of the Rio Resolutions and Agenda 21 for real progress towards sustainable development
To assist societies to develop an effective government within a democratic system and to implement sustainable development principles through global partnerships by way of:
1. Empowering the public to enable them to effectively participate in decision making for public interest and to undertake local initatives;
2. Developing and strengthening good governance at the local level;
3. Developing the capacity of public and the government at the local level to cooperate in increasing welfare of the people.

Implementation methodologies

Arrangements for Capacity-Building and Technology Transfer

Coordination mechanisms/governance structure


Government of Indonesia - Ministry of Environment

UN System::
The World Bank (United States of America)
UNDP (United States of America)

Progress reports

Basic information
Time-frame: - 2022-12-31
Government of Indonesia - Ministry of Environment

UN System::
The World Bank (United States of America)
UNDP (United States of America)

Contact information
United Nations