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National Adaptation Plan of Action
Description/achievement of initiative

Maldives, in 2006, adopted its National Action Plan for Adaptation and a zero emissions plan; target of carbon neutrality by 2020.

This is the first National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) for the Maldives relating to the adaptation to adverse effects of climate change. Maldives is among the most vulnerable to climate change and non-action is not an option. Assessing the magnitude of climate hazards to Maldives has already begun. Although it is not possible to accurately predict climate change and its adverse effects at the local level, the first Climate Risk Profile (MEEW 2006) and the Disaster Risk Profile (UNDP 2006) justifies the need to take preventive and adaptive action now. Thus NAPA identifies urgent and immediate actions for climate change adaptation.

The NAPA is intended to be concise and brief and contains eight chapters. Following this introduction Chapter Two presents the goals and describes the National Adaptation Policy Framework. Chapter Three describes the country characteristics relevant to climate change adaptation. Chapter Four depicts the global and local climate hazards and risks. Chapter Five analyses vulnerabilities and the biophysical impacts of climate change. Chapter Six lists the adaptation needs and options identified through stakeholder consultations and present the set of locally-driven criteria that was used to select priority activities. NAPA concludes with Chapter Seven that presents key priorities and project profiles for adaptation to climate change in the Maldives.

For more information please see the documents on the right hand side of this page.

Implementation methodologies

Arrangements for Capacity-Building and Technology Transfer

Coordination mechanisms/governance structure


Progress reports
Goal 8

Basic information
Time-frame: - 2006
Contact information
United Nations