Description/achievement of initiative
HiG has since 2001 had a Policy for Sustainable Development taken by the University Board with commitment to take action both now and in the future.
Implementation methodologies
HiG's work for sustainable development, which takes place within the structure of a certified ISO14001 environmental management system, is reported annually to the Swedish Department of Education and to the Swedish EPA.
HiG has objectives for its work with SD for five years (presently 2011-2016), which are broken down into measurable biannual targets for the different faculties and departments of the university (presently 2011-12). The results of the work with the targets are reported annually and included in the annual report of the university.
The key resources are the facts that HiG includes sustainable development in its overall vision, has active support from the Vice-Chancellor and the management, has appointed a Vice President for Sustainable Development and has a Council for Sustainable Development with representatives from all departments and faculties. Students, faculty and staff are the most important resources in the work. HiG also participates in several networks for various aspects of SD.
Arrangements for Capacity-Building and Technology Transfer
Coordination mechanisms/governance structure
University of Gävle