Description/achievement of initiative
In 2004, EPA launched its SmartWay Transport Partnership which is an innovative brand that represents environmentally cleaner, more fuel efficient transportation options.
Source: US EPA
The SmartWay Transport Partnership is a public-private partnership that uses market mechanisms to improve energy efficiency in the goods movement sector. The Partnership has accelerated the adoption of advanced technologies and operational practices that save fuel, save money and reduce emissions from freight operations. SmartWay partners include trucking companies, shippers, logistics providers, and rail carriers. SmartWay Partners have saved 1.5 billion gallons of diesel fuel from goods movement, saving partners $3.6 billion in operating costs while reducing 14.7 million metric tons of CO2. Recent international SmartWay projects include a Green Truck pilot in Guangzhou, China, sponsored by the World Bank, and SmartWay pilot testing in the EU.
Implementation methodologies
Arrangements for Capacity-Building and Technology Transfer
Coordination mechanisms/governance structure