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Eco Charge
Description/achievement of initiative

In 2008, approximately 188 municipalities out of approximately 450 had introduced an "eco-charge" which applies to households at an average of 30 EUR per year per household.
Source: UNCSD Secretariat (2010) Questionnaire for the Member States on Experiences, Success Factors, Risks and Challenges with Regard to Objective and Themes of UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD)

The purpose of the eco charge is to promote waste sorting by covering costs associated with a network of recycling and collection stations where households can deliver card and paper, glass, metal, untreated wood and electronic waste and batteries free of charge. Producer responsibility obliges producers to organise the reuse, recovery or suitable treatment or disposal of their products and the wastes derived from them, and to cover the related costs. The producer means the manufacturers and importers of the products; or where packaging is concerned, packagers and the importers of packaged products. Producer responsibility covers electronic and electrical appliances, batteries and accumulators, tires from motor vehicles, other vehicles and equipment, cars, vans and comparable vehicles, newspapers, magazines, copy paper, and other comparable paper products and packaging.

Implementation methodologies

Arrangements for Capacity-Building and Technology Transfer

Coordination mechanisms/governance structure


Progress reports
Goal 8

Basic information
Time-frame: - 2008
Contact information
United Nations