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Cogeneration for Africa
Description/achievement of initiative

"Cogeneration for Africa" is an innovative and first-of-its-kind clean energy regional initiative

"Cogeneration for Africa" is an innovative and first-of-its-kind clean energy regional initiative funded by GEF - set to run for 6 years from mid 2007. The initiative is co-implemented by UNEP and AfDB and executed by AFREPREN/FWD. Cogeneration for Africa will build on the success of cogeneration in Mauritius, which currently meets close to 40% of the country's electricity needs. It seeks to significantly scale up the use of efficient cogeneration systems initially in seven Eastern and Southern African countries (Kenya, Ethiopia, Malawi, Sudan, Uganda, Tanzania and Swaziland).

The Cogeneration for Africa project will work with promising and profitable ago-industries with a solid track record and that have demonstrated commitment to expanding their cogeneration investments in Africa. Notable agro-industries that are expected to actively participate in the project include private-sector-owned and profitable sugar companies as well as private sector entities involved in agro-processing industries such as pulp and paper, forest products, palm oil, ground nuts, sisal and rice.

"Cogeneration for Africa" is designed to promote wider use of efficient cogeneration options in Africa and eventually stimulate over US$ 300 million of cogeneration investment in the region. It will also work with policy makers to expand clean electricity sales from cogeneration plants to the national grids of the region which will, in turn, deliver substantial socio-economic benefits at local and national level as well as expand the clean energy industry in the region.

Implementation methodologies

Arrangements for Capacity-Building and Technology Transfer

Coordination mechanisms/governance structure


Progress reports
Goal 8

Basic information
Time-frame: - 2007
Contact information
United Nations