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Benchmarking Brazil Program
Description/achievement of initiative

Encourage the development of practices of excellence and innovative projects aligned with the fundamentals and guidelines of sustainability and in connection with the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals). The main motivation of the Benchmarking Brazil Program has always been to identify, select and share the best practices and sustainability projects to show that sustainability is feasible and competitive. Sharing the excellence of these projects and practices, elevates the level of the debate in society, and accelerates the managerial technical development of organizations in relation to green innovations and social responsibility.

Implementation methodologies

The Benchmarking Brazil Program was designed to be plural and develop itself through partnerships. It has 5 modalities and reaches different audiences. It counts on the support and partnership of universities, technical vocational schools, representative and governmental institutions. The participation is spontaneous through knowledge and agreement with the registration regulations by the participant. Entries are made online at the benchmarking site filling out form with 11 questions to describe the cases, projects and applications. Following this, a specialized team of the Program makes a filter to verify that the enrolled content met the requirements, and after this filter sends for evaluation of a multidisciplinary technical committee. This Technical Commission is renewed annually and includes the voluntary (unpaid) participation of experts and activists from different countries to ensure a global vision. They evaluate the scores by giving scores from 0 to 10 (likert scale) in the restricted space of the internet on a platform specially developed for this purpose (an automated program that integrates the notes of all the evaluators, and defines the score of the case, projects or application Evaluated). Those cases, projects and applications that achieve technical index (score equal to or greater than 7.1) are selected to be included in the Benchmarking Ranking of the edition, are Benchmarking certificates, and are shared in books, magazines, digital banks and sustainability forums.

Arrangements for Capacity-Building and Technology Transfer

The program has innumerable activities with the aim of enabling and transferring technology. Events, videos, books and magazines are fruits of the Benchmarking Program. The sharing calendar of the practices, projects, and applications selected in the program includes itinerant sustainability forums, books and magazines in printed and electronic versions, and didactic videos linking the projects and practices with the SDGs. All free. SUSTAINABILITY FORUMS: Technical meetings for the presentation of cases, projects and APPs certified by the Benchmarking Program, and in line with the UN's SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) agenda. The first meetings were held from 2000 bringing together experts, scientists, activists, and leaders to exchange visions, reflections and sustainable solutions. It has been continuously improved, and today they are itinerant and in partnership with universities, vocational schools, and representative entities. They have coverage of specialized journalists and have moments transmitted live by the Facebook Live of MAIS Institute. Free participation with the issuance of a certificate to those who attend. Online registration. PUBLICATIONS: A book series (BENCHMAIS) with 3 volumes already published and one magazine (BENCHMARKING) with 13 edited editions. BENCHMAIS: Is a didactic work of management and technical reference that publishes the cases and projects selected by the Benchmarking Program. It brings together interest content from experts, activists, leaders, researchers and managers and entrepreneurs working in the socio-environmental area. It is distributed free of charge to university libraries, vocational schools and representative partner organizations of the program, and Benchmarking companies that have had certified practices. The series has 3 books published. BENCHMARKING MAGAZINE: A management magazine that shares sustainability content. There are 2,000 printed copies that we post for professionals working in the areas of environment, social responsibility, institutional and governmental relations and sustainability of Brazilian organizations. The electronic version is available on the internet DIGITAL BANK: A platform of collective intelligence in sustainability produced by hundreds of organizations and their experts, universities and their researchers and students, artists and personalities from the socioenvironmental area in Brazil and other countries. A rich collection at the disposal of society, giving transparency in relations, as well as education and culture of sustainability for all. VIDEOS: Short programs with managers and idealizers of projects, cases and Benchmarking applications, to share their sustainable solutions and in connection with the SDGs. .

Coordination mechanisms/governance structure

A team of people with specialization in environmental management and sustainability develop the annual planning and from then on, the operationalization of the necessary measures to carry out all the activities that make up the Benchmarking Program in each of its editions. The organization is a consulting microenterprise that works in partnership with other organizations in the three sectors of the economy. The selection of the projects, cases and applications is performed using established evaluation criteria of a technical committee renewed annually. The cases, projects and APPs must reach a certain score to be considered Benchmarking. From this selection, they are shared in books, magazines, portals, videos and events. Five modalities make up the program, only the senior modality pay for its participation after having approved its practice by the evaluating bank. In the selection phase, the bank does not have access to the name of the organization, and if it does not reach technical index for its approval, in addition to maintaining total confidentiality, no amount is charged. Only the practices that achieve technical index are recognized with the Benchmarking seal and pay for their participations. The other four modalities (for students, artists and people) dont pay nothing. This was the financial engineering for the feasibility of the initiative. The 5 modalities of the Program are: - Benchmarking Senior: Cases and practices from companies and institutions of the 3 sectors of the economy - Benchmarking Junior: Projects of green innovations from students of vocational technical schools - Hackathon: Sustainability applications for students from Information technology courses at universities and vocational technical schools - Benchmarking Arts: Works (sculptures, paintings and crafts) of independent artists and artisans with recycled material - Benchmarking People: Activism of people in defense of the natural and social environment


- Environment magazine - Envolverde - Pensamento Verde - Acionista - Papo Reto - Abraps - Ciclo Vivo - Filantropia - Senai - Paulo Sousa Center - Uninove University - Mackenzie University - Anhembi Morumbi University - ESPM University
Progress reports
Goal 12
12.6 - Encourage companies, especially large and transnational companies, to adopt sustainable practices and to integrate sustainability information into their reporting cycle
12.a - Support developing countries to strengthen their scientific and technological capacity to move towards more sustainable patterns of consumption and production
Goal 17
17.6 - Enhance North-South, South-South and triangular regional and international cooperation on and access to science, technology and innovation and enhance knowledge sharing on mutually agreed terms, including through improved coordination among existing mechanisms, in particular at the United Nations level, and through a global technology facilitation mechanism
17.7 - Promote the development, transfer, dissemination and diffusion of environmentally sound technologies to developing countries on favourable terms, including on concessional and preferential terms, as mutually agreed
17.14 - Enhance policy coherence for sustainable development
17.17 - Encourage and promote effective public, public-private and civil society partnerships, building on the experience and resourcing strategies of partnerships

Data, monitoring and accountability
Digital Bank
BenchMais Book
Benchmarking Magazine 13 Edition
Staff / Technical expertise
Specialists and technical professionals develop partnerships with the Benchmarking Program to carry out the activities necessary for its implementation. Supporters give structure and make the disclosure to the interested public.

Basic information
Time-frame: March/2003 - Permanent
- Environment magazine - Envolverde - Pensamento Verde - Acionista - Papo Reto - Abraps - Ciclo Vivo - Filantropia - Senai - Paulo Sousa Center - Uninove University - Mackenzie University - Anhembi Morumbi University - ESPM University
Contact information
Marilena Lavorato, Benchmarking Brazil Program, marilena@institutomais.org
United Nations