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Barbados Declaration - Voluntary Commitment by Dominican Republic
Description/achievement of initiative

1. Promote local and sustainable use of biofuels, particularly in the transport sector.
2. Plan and promote the development of infrastructure for generation, transmission and distribution of electricity, operating at the standards of quality and reliability of service established by the rules.
3. Encourage strict enforcement of environmental regulation in electricity generation aimed at the adoption of sustainable management practices and mitigation of climate change.
4. Promote a culture of citizenship and business efficiency, by inducing a wise use practices in electricity and promoting the use of equipment and processes to lower energy use or better use of it.

Implementation methodologies

To be achieved with assistance from development partners.

Arrangements for Capacity-Building and Technology Transfer

Coordination mechanisms/governance structure


Dominican Republic, in partnership with the Governments of Australia, Denmark, New Zealand, Norway, and the United Kingdom, and UNDP.
Progress reports
Achievement of commitments above
Other, please specify
In partnership with Australia, Denmark, New Zealand, Norway, and UK, and UNDP.

Basic information
Time-frame: - 2020
Dominican Republic, in partnership with the Governments of Australia, Denmark, New Zealand, Norway, and the United Kingdom, and UNDP.
Contact information
Permanent Mission of Nauru to the United Nations, Chair of AOSIS, nauru@un.int
United Nations