Description/achievement of initiative
Conduct Provincial WASH Joint Sector Reviews (JSRs) by using WASH Bottleneck Analysis Tool (WASHBAT) and SDG-6 costing tool for establishing provincial WASH Targets in Pakistan. The targets hence established will be consolidated at national Level. WASH sector plans will be concurrently developed by the governments to lay down road map, with interim milestones, for achievement of mainly SDG-6 Targets 6.1 and 6.2, and SDG-1 Target 1.4 for basic WASH services and SDG-4 Target 4.a.1 related to WASH in Schools.
Implementation methodologies
Baseline for SDG targets 6.1 and 6.2 will be estimated from available data and then refined with cesus 2017 data. Major surveys (MICS and NNS) will be conducted in 2017-18. JSRs framework will defined and analysed in each province through 1-3 day workshops and action plans will be developed using WASHBAT. Action plans with milestones and indicative budgeting will be endorsed by provincial governments and consolidated at the National Level.
Arrangements for Capacity-Building and Technology Transfer
UNICEF will provide technical assistance for capacity building of government and WASH sector partners.
Coordination mechanisms/governance structure
Pakistan Bureau of Statistics will coordinate MICS-6 and PSLM data sets and provide SPmpling frame for National Nutrion Survey (NNS) to monitor the progress against baseline of Census-2017. Ministry of Climate Change will lead the JSRs process which will be implemented by Publich Health Engineering and Local Government Departments of Provincial Governments. UNICEF will provide technical assistance, convene development partners and support partnership with Sanitation and Water for All (SWA). National Parliamentary Task Force on SDGs will provide oversight from the Parliament of Pakistan
The Ministry of Climate Change Pakistan, UNICEF