Description/achievement of initiative
The Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction (GlobalABC) is a major international initiative that aims to increase pace and scale of this transformation. GlobalABC's key goals include:
1) Raising ambitions to meet the Paris climate goals.
We work to raise the level of ambition in retrofitting existing buildings and future-proofing the investments that we will see going into new buildings over the next 15 years.
2) Mobilizing all actors along the value chain.
We encourage policy frameworks that promote both uptake of existing, cost-effective solutions and private sector innovation.
Implementation methodologies
The principal GABC strategies are:
- Advocating the buildings and construction sectors potential and impact in climate mitigation and adaption, in particular at high level events such as the Climate Conference of the Parties.
- Setting a joint framework to put the buildings and construction sector on a well-below 2°C degree path through developing a common vision and goals along with a timeline to reach goals (Global Roadmap);
- Catalysing action, particularly supporting and accelerating Nationally Determined Contribution implementation, including developing and promoting targeted knowledge products that fill a gap;
- Leveraging finance at scale through outreach, advocacy and awareness raising to potential financial partners, and through partners individually and/or collectively mobilizing funds in particular through international financing mechanisms;
- Tracking progress in the buildings and construction sector by issuing an annual GABC Global Status Report that draws heavily on information provided by members of the Alliance.
The five GABC Work Areas are:
1. Education and Awareness
2. Public Policies
3. Market Transformation
4. Finance
5. Building measurement, data and information
Arrangements for Capacity-Building and Technology Transfer
The principal technology transfer and capacity building mechanism of the GABC are the GABC Regional Roundtables.
Regional Roundtables have as their objective facilitating regional cooperation and regionalizing the GABC Global Roadmap which outlines steps towards a zero-emission, efficient and resilient buildings and construction sector. Aimed at national governments from a given region, Regional Roundtables facilitate technical knowledge and good practice peer-to-peer exchange. They foster match-making between GABC members who then cooperate in selected areas to accelerate zero-emission, efficient, and resilient buildings and construction sector solutions across the (sub-) region, including those related to Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). Knowledge exchange and match-making includes sharing of best practice policies, tools, and data, as well as offers of expertise for technical support and capacity building. Regional Roundtables are organized around 1-2 regional priorities determined through GABC technical buildings and construction events and/or through regional consultation. Specifically, Regional Roundtables aim to:
Identify opportunities for the GABC and its members to respond to country needs and support specific building sector actions which contribute to implementing Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).
Facilitate dialogue on raising ambition levels in public policies, and on defining regional priorities, thus further refining the GABC Global Roadmap.
Initiate and/or further advance best practices and project concepts that can be supported through GABC members.
Engage more countries and organization in the GABC.
Coordination mechanisms/governance structure
The GABC is a cooperative, member-driven group, with a Steering Committee and partner-led Work Areas, reflecting our members diversity. Operations are supported by a small Secretariat hosted by UN Environment in Paris, France. GABC governance involves the following 4 entities:
1) The GABC Assembly: The Assembly gathers all the GABC members and is as such the primary organ of the GABC; it defines strategic vision, monitors progress and approves and provides updates on Work Areas and Work Plan; it hears and elects the Steering Committee and the Steering Committee co-chairs which will then also act as co-chairs of the Assembly and adopt new statements.
2) The GABC Steering Committee: The Steering Committee's primary responsibilities fall into five main areas: (1) strategic direction & leadership, (2) governance oversight, (3) communication, (4) resource allocation and mobilization, and (5) performance assessment. The Steering Committee consists of 15 GABC members, representing GABC Work Areas and member constituencies (national and local governments, civil society, research, intergovernmental organizations, and private sector).
3) The GABC Work Areas: The GABC has at present five Work Areas. Work Areas define their work programme, mode of operation, material and human resources, and can propose initiatives in accordance with the GABCs strategic vision, and submit them through the Secretariat to the Steering Committee for approval. GABC members self-select into the Work Area depending on expertise and priorities.
4) The GABC Secretariat: The GABC Secretariat is preparing and implementing decisions of the Assembly and the Steering committee. To that effect, it acts under the guidance and oversight of the Steering Committee for organizational, coordination, and representational functions. It is involved in decisions relating to the GABC and manages the Work Areas.
The GABC gathers 110 members, including 26 countries which are: Argentina; Armenia; Austria; Brazil; Cameroon; Canada; Cote Ivoire; Djibouti; Finland; France; Germany; Japan; Mongolia; Morocco; Norway; Russia; Senegal; Singapore; Sweden; Switzerland; Tunisia; Ukraine; UAE; Mexico; USA; Vietnam