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Global Hands by Hand by Hands
Description/achievement of initiative

Social project dedicated to the design and manufacture of 3D-printed, non-invasive, prosthetic limbs destined to people in Northeastern Mexico who lack of their own. Through Global Hands, our objective is to give people in need, the opportunity to increase their life quality through the complete utilization of their body, striving to generate better self-esteem and more functionality.

Implementation methodologies

The initiative is carried out with the support of social media outreach, through which individuals and organizations are able to contact Global Hands for the request of an evaluation of a potential patient. Funding is obtained through sponsorships and the realization of 3D-printing workshops and the sale of other models of prosthetic limbs produced by Global Hands, from which a percentage of the profit is reinvested in the manufactured of a prosthetic limb which will be later donated. Materials are acquired locally and purchased from funding generated by financial supports and external fundraising activities made by our volunteers, or in some cases, through in-kind donation. Once a primary evaluation has been made for a potential patient, Global Hands determines the viability of a donation through a socioeconomic status survey, approved by the Mexican Association of Market Research (AMAI), and approves the request. Further evaluation and continuity appointments are made with the patient to take measurements and begin the personalized production of the prosthetic limb, this to be lated delivered to the patient.

Arrangements for Capacity-Building and Technology Transfer

Global Hands aims to become a SMART objective-based and self-sustainable initiative. Efforts are being done to this start-up to involve in social entrepreneurship, from which opportunities of reinvestable funding will generate for social projects such as the prosthetic limb donation to people within vulnerable communities. As the organization engages in further networking with university partners, corporate supporters, and other organizations, the capability of Global Hands to grow in people, resources, and materials expands. Furthermore, through the technology used by Global Hands, being these 3D modeling softwares, 3D printing, Internet access, database usage, and digital recording, its final product, the prosthetic limb, reaches out to the patient as a form of technology transfer. As the marketing strategy and number of patients grows, more opportunities to expand the start-up come up, both as a business (social entrepreneurship-wise) and social means, will cause the capacity-building capabilities of Global Hands grow as well.

Coordination mechanisms/governance structure

Global Hands is coordinated amongst 14 people, 5 of which conform the executive board and 9 volunteers. Since February 2019, Global Hands works as an independent, non-profit start-up, whose internal objective is to create amongst volunteers and team members the opportunity to work in areas of strength and within a transparent and cohesive environment. The organization partners with university entities, such as Universidad de Monterrey, amongst other start-up companies and school bodies, but production is done Global Hands on its own, having control and intellectual property of the products. Meetings are held as constituted by a organization constitution, having in the executive board, conformed by a CEO, CFO, and CTO, take primary decisions. Executive board has equality in vote, yet CEO has veto power in extraordinary cases, which are described within the organization's constitution. Volunteers have consulting voice in the organization, but do not formally partake in internal decision-making processes. External consultants, stakeholders, and partners do not have consulting voice nor vote in the organization's decisions.


Hand by Hands, Grupo Bafar SAB de CV, Universidad de Monterrey
Progress reports
Goal 9
9.5 - Enhance scientific research, upgrade the technological capabilities of industrial sectors in all countries, in particular developing countries, including, by 2030, encouraging innovation and substantially increasing the number of research and development workers per 1 million people and public and private research and development spending
9.a - Facilitate sustainable and resilient infrastructure development in developing countries through enhanced financial, technological and technical support to African countries, least developed countries, landlocked developing countries and small island developing States
9.b - Support domestic technology development, research and innovation in developing countries, including by ensuring a conducive policy environment for, inter alia, industrial diversification and value addition to commodities
Goal 10
10.2 - By 2030, empower and promote the social, economic and political inclusion of all, irrespective of age, sex, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion or economic or other status
Goal 17
Technology -
17.17 - Encourage and promote effective public, public-private and civil society partnerships, building on the experience and resourcing strategies of partnerships

Data, monitoring and accountability
Technology Transfer opportunities to reach communities in India and Nigeria by February 2020 (impact of 200 people)
Donation of 50 prosthetic limbs
Financing (in USD)
13,500 USD
Staff / Technical expertise
Biomedical Engineering expertise is needed for the evaluation, design, and manufacture of the prosthetic limb

Basic information
Time-frame: 02/2019 - 02/2040
Hand by Hands, Grupo Bafar SAB de CV, Universidad de Monterrey
Contact information
Mariana Elizalde, CEO, mariana.elizalde@udem.edu
United Nations