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Cleaning our oceans
Description/achievement of initiative

Ervis is a platform with a three-fold objective of Hero, Hub and Hygiene. Hero –Engage the student in our initiatives through workshops, ambassador programs and bootcamps and educate them on plastic crisis. Hub – A digital platform for information sharing through Ervis library and online pledge for four Rs i.e. reduce, refuse, reuse and recycle. RoaRRR app to record the actions taken for the four Rs daily and a zero-waste marketplace to sell plastic alternatives for waste reduction. Hygiene – Create an incubation lab for innovation to fight plastic waste and design a ship to clean the ocean surface.

Implementation methodologies

Our vision is to bring about behavioral changes at the primary level such that managing plastic in the right-way and ensuring that it comes as a habit for the upcoming generations, will be achieved by conducting workshops and environment education programs for children between 6 to 18 years of age. We at Ervis work-hard to ensure that the learning experience for the students is informative and innovative at the same time; therefore, we have devised methods such as conducting art where children will enjoy recycling the waste plastic into art and craft. Also, conduct engaging activities and discussions that encourage children to brainstorm innovative solutions, which, if feasible, we aim to implement and execute through our incubation lab. We aim to promote the Plastic Pollution Coalition initiative of Plastic free schools and restaurants, Zero Waste campaigns with Student Ambassadors in social gatherings and selling plastic alternative products through the zero-waste marketplace to implement zero waste communities. Student ambassadors shall be given specially designed kits including brochures, placards, etc. to educate the communities on plastic crisis and the alternatives. The various other activities that have been carefully planned by Ervis are conducting beach clean-up drives with the help of Student Ambassadors to restore coastal ecosystem, development of a mobile application RoaRRR to help the students record what they have done for Refuse, Reduce, Reuse and Recycle daily. We also wish to implement ERVIS – The Ship to clean plastic waste floating on the ocean surface and incorporate analytics and intelligence in the ship to analyse the types of wastes collected, geolocation data on plastic pollution, etc. Further, we also aim to work with the law makers in India in the long run to create regulations and frameworks for implementation of plastic free communities and implement the frameworks with the help of the authorities. Moreover, we plan to run an online pledge campaign for participants in workshops, champions in student ambassador program, partners and associates to encourage Reduce, Refuse, Reuse and Recycle. We plan to build an Incubation lab under RoaRRR initiative to support ideas on innovation and technology for preventing plastic pollution and implement the idea of Ervis - the ship. Also, we will create a digital library of document, research and articles about plastic waste and promote it via social media campaigns and workshops to create awareness among people.

Arrangements for Capacity-Building and Technology Transfer

Ervis has a well-defined plan for the capacity building and technology transfer processes. We practice and encourage all the Ervisians (official member of Ervis) to learn through a varied diversity of instances, research works, initiatives, boot-camps and case studies around the globe in order to ensure continued up-skilling and upgradation of the Ervisiains and their working methods. This practice allows them to be aware of the current events and channelize their unique imagination to preserve and cure the environment. In interest of the aforesaid, we plan to appoint student ambassadors as a mandate in-order to ensure that they set examples to look up to by following the same. In the long run this technique will help us to spread awareness faster. Moreover, to back up host of advisers, we will create a core team of industry experience holders who will be experts in their domain. This will help us gauge our risk appetite and make decisions wisely. Most importantly, we will be creating digital libraries which will be constantly updated with the latest research on what’s happening across the globe about plastic pollution by collecting and indexing research articles, talks, initiatives, etc. This supports and is in-line with the idea shared in the above content where we encourage our members to upgrade themselves via numerous resources. Last but not the least, we have a major section of our focus devoted to conducting online Blue Pledge Campaigns for the 4 Rs (Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) where each participant, champions, partners & associates shall take a pledge to refuse, reduce, reuse and recycle plastic. This pledge will serve as a corner stone and code of conduct for all our initiatives at Ervis. And we strongly believe that all that can be done, must be done to educate our specie the importance of preserving the environment and we at Ervis - have taken charge of leaving no stone unturned until we achieve what we have envisioned for planet Earth.

Coordination mechanisms/governance structure

The coordination mechanism of Ervis is inspired by the hierarchical governance model. The primary step comprises of creating a core team which will be responsible for planning, arranging and implementing the awareness event. Speaking of which, Ervis plans to setup project management offices wherein they target to conduct workshops, conference, boot-camps, incubation labs, and last but not the least ambassador training in schools, colleges, summer/winter camps and various other student gatherings. Abiding by our objective to engage, educate and encourage the youth of today’s era, Ervis has carefully designed a system where the core team has a fall back option called the “CBT” or the “Core Team Backup” department where exists a team with a host of advisers with experience and exposure; each one of which will be an expert in their respective domains. This will not only provide a backed up and secure fashion of carrying out the task at hand but will also reduce chances of error and increase the overall processing efficiency of Ervis. Moreover, we aim to appoint at least one student ambassador in every non-metro city and a minimum count of 5 student ambassadors in metro cities for conducting the planned events such as workshops etc. in different schools and run plastic free campaigns in their respective communities. This will help ensure micromanagement and improvise the workflow of executing any task or event at hand. Every ambassador will be shared with a code of conduct designed by the legal team of Ervis along with official titles certified by Ervis. In addition, Ervis has successfully designed a monitoring mechanism with well-defined KPIs for the ambassadors and team members along with effectively capturing the progress on monthly, quarterly, half-yearly and yearly basis. We also aim to implement the RoaRRR app to track the activities for reduce, refuse, reuse and recycle done by the pledge takers. We at Ervis, strongly believe that such an efficient work culture design will ensure thorough grounding for the firm foundation of a noble cause serving a higher purpose.


Ervis Foundation Ervis Enviro Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Haaziq Kazi (Inventor) Ahmed Rizvi (Strategy Adviser) Priyanka Prakash (Program Director) Amit Mishra (Adviser - SDG)
Progress reports
Goal 12
12.5 - By 2030, substantially reduce waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse
12.8 - By 2030, ensure that people everywhere have the relevant information and awareness for sustainable development and lifestyles in harmony with nature
Goal 14
14.1 - By 2025, prevent and significantly reduce marine pollution of all kinds, in particular from land-based activities, including marine debris and nutrient pollution
14.2 - By 2020, sustainably manage and protect marine and coastal ecosystems to avoid significant adverse impacts, including by strengthening their resilience, and take action for their restoration in order to achieve healthy and productive oceans
March 2020
Report on total workshops conducted and number of children made aware about plastic pollution
March 2020
Report on number of people engaged and amount of plastic refused, reused, reduced and recycled through RoaRRR app
March 2024
Implementation of Ervis - The ship that can clean plastic from ocean surface
Financing (in USD)
50,000 USD
Staff / Technical expertise
Appointed a core team of advisers and program managers to strategize and run the initiatives laid by Ervis. As on date, we have hired 3 advisers and 1 program manager, and we aim to on-board 10 people by the end of first year of operations.
Staff / Technical expertise
Working with domain experts from industry and educational institutions for implementation of ERVIS – The ship, RoaRRR app and zero-waste marketplace.

Basic information
Time-frame: April, 2019 - March, 2024
Ervis Foundation Ervis Enviro Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Haaziq Kazi (Inventor) Ahmed Rizvi (Strategy Adviser) Priyanka Prakash (Program Director) Amit Mishra (Adviser - SDG)
Contact information
Sarfaraz Kazi, CEO and Co-founder, kazi@ervis.org
United Nations