Description/achievement of initiative
- Participation in Plan Vert: - The Ile-de-France Photovoltaic Institute (IPVF) - The ParisTech Science and Technology for Renewable Energy M2 master's program, directed by École Polytechnique and launched at the start of the 2011 school year, as well as the Advanced Photovoltaic Concepts' Chair signed between TOTAL and École Polytechnique in January of 2012 - A new master's program, Science for Environmental Challenges, will be established at the beginning of the 2012 school year.
Implementation methodologies
The master's program is supervised by the following education and research chairs:The Chair for Sustainable Development EDFThe Chair for Mathematical Modeling and Biodiversity VEOLIA, MNHNThe Chair for Business Economics - Dupont de Nemours, GDF-Suez, Lafarge, Unilever
Arrangements for Capacity-Building and Technology Transfer
Coordination mechanisms/governance structure
Ecole Polytechnique