Description/achievement of initiative
In its strategy, the University is committed to promoting justice and equality, to enhancing the well-being of citizens at home and abroad as well as to advancing intercultural interaction and sustainable development. The University of Tampere has launched a programme for sustainable development, the Sustainability Programme, where it sets the objectives for promoting sustainable development in the teaching, research and everyday operations at the University for the years 2012-2015. The implementation and reporting of this programme is coordinated and monitored by an environmental group appointed by the Rector.
Implementation methodologies
The University is currently designing teaching that advances sustainable development as a part of the Nordic ESDAN project (ESDAN = Education for Sustainable Development in Academia in Nordic countries). A new study module for sustainable development will be completed by the end of the academic year 2012-2013.In 2012, the University will begin to collect a database of research on promoting sustainable development with an aim to improve the flow of information between researchers and teachers concerning their on-going research projects and results. This will open doors for the forming of new interdisciplinary courses. The University of Tampere is the first Fairtrade University in Finland. Promoting fairtrade is a part of the University's global responsibility. To fulfill these responsibilities, the University collaborates with its interest groups, particularly with the campus restaurants and with the city of Tampere. The University of Tampere purchases electricity generated from renewable sources and optimizes energy and water consumption in cooperation with the owners of the University premises. Furthermore, the University has an environmental guide that offers advice on how to conserve energy, how to sort waste and how to recycle, as well as providing hints on commuting for the University personnel and students.
Arrangements for Capacity-Building and Technology Transfer
Coordination mechanisms/governance structure
The University of Tampere