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Cardiff Metropolitan University
Description/achievement of initiative

Meet the requirements of environmental legislation and commit to a process of continual environmental improvement.Maintain and Develop UWIC in a Sustainable MannerCommunicate and inform the UWIC CommunityWorking with External Authorities and BodiesDevelopment of Managers, Staff and Students

Implementation methodologies

Establish an Environmental Management Plan; to set targets and indicators, measure environmental performance and report progress.Develop a sustainable procurement policy to ensure social, ethical and environmental scrutiny of products and services whilst achieving best value;Produce an Annual Report;Develop good working relationships with all relevant external authorities;Provide appropriate training and information to the UWIC community.

Arrangements for Capacity-Building and Technology Transfer

Coordination mechanisms/governance structure


Cardiff Metropolitan University
Progress reports
Goal 4
Establish an Environmental Management Plan
Annual Sustainability Reports
Develop a sustainable procurement policy
Staff / Technical expertise
Expertise of students and staff concerning sustainable development

Basic information
Time-frame: 2012 - 2015
Cardiff Metropolitan University
Contact information
Antony J. Chapman, Professor, AJChapman@cardiffmet.ac.uk
United Nations