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Supporting the UN SDGs around our world as we have 16, 000 members
Description/achievement of initiative

To address child abuse prevention. My Body Is My Body Program is successful with musical "body safety programs around the world. Aimed at children from 3- 9 years of age. The program is now animated so that it can be shared with children in nursery schools, schools, sports facilities, and homes around the world. Our goal is to prevent child abuse by empowering children with the knowledge to know when they are being touched inappropriately. We hope to continue this initiative for many more years to help stop the maltreatment of children.

Implementation methodologies

We put the two needed classes on our website which is a prerequisite before anyone can present the program. Once they pass the classes, they are named as My Body Is My Body ambassadors and Global Goodwill Ambassadors. \r\n\r\nSchools are then contacted for an individual to make an appointment to speak to someone in order to explain the program and permission to present this. Many have their computers or a larger screen to show the videos which the children are very interested in.

Arrangements for Capacity-Building and Technology Transfer

We build capacity when we name a GGA who meets our criteria and agrees to our policies. Each new person is made aware of the program and the classes. We are also working with a large educational body to work with the program. Items are downloadable on the website, but each person must pass both classes in order to become a presenter. The individual also makes a video to send in of presenting this program to friends/family for approval on their presentation skills and knowledge before going live with children.

Coordination mechanisms/governance structure

We choose individuals who have access to schools such as teachers and train them through tutorials, videos, lesson plans, a children's workbook, and quiz. Only those who take Part 1 and Part 2 of our class can gain the "presenter" certificate. This is Global Goodwill Ambassadors Foundation's core initiative and we are training 16,000 people from many different countries to present this program. Those who complete the program will report back on what they learned and also where they are going to propose delivering the program for approval. These individuals report back each time the program is presented. \r\nWe govern this closely to ensure it is being presented carefully and children remain safe. This was created in the USA with the help of the Departments of Education and Human Services in Texas and Tennessee the program has been presented to over 350,000 children in schools and summer camps. The program is FREE to everyone available, available on the internet or download and has been translated into 19 different languages. The My Body is My Body for the Prevention of Child abuse and Neglect and is being shared by Compassion Internation in their 7,000 churches in 25 different countries (1.9 million children),\r\n\r\nThis program helps teachers, parents, and people working with children approach the difficult subject of body safety in a safe, non-threatening positive environment through the medium of music. A study that involved children, published in the Journal of Music Therapy, showed that music, and learning new songs related to a more positive self-concept and development of self-esteem, helping children feel better about themselves. \r\n\r\nThe program has been presented to more than 1 million children in over 40 countries around the world making a positive impact. \r\n\r\nThe goal for 2020 is to reach another million children.


Global Goodwill Ambassadors\r\nMy Body Is My Body
Progress reports
Goal 5
5.2 - Eliminate all forms of violence against all women and girls in the public and private spheres, including trafficking and sexual and other types of exploitation
5.5 - Ensure women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making in political, economic and public life
5.a - Undertake reforms to give women equal rights to economic resources, as well as access to ownership and control over land and other forms of property, financial services, inheritance and natural resources, in accordance with national laws
5.b - Enhance the use of enabling technology, in particular information and communications technology, to promote the empowerment of women
March: Reaching children in give countries and reaching 200,000
April: Reaching children around the world and scheduled work in Egypt to reach 300,000
June: Reaching children around the world to reach 200,000
July: Proposal to a large school to reach 300,000 children
In-kind contribution
We are running initiatives on our website to raise money to print books to leave with the children
Staff / Technical expertise
We have named leaders in many countries who will continue to work with others to ensure this class is taught effectively.

Basic information
Time-frame: March 1988 - Ongoing
Global Goodwill Ambassadors\r\nMy Body Is My Body
Contact information
Lisa Jones, President & COO, Lisa@globalgoodwillambassadorsfoundation
United Nations