Description/achievement of initiative
Work on reduction of carbon footprint and water consumption, as well as continuing curriculum development.
Implementation methodologies
We will analyze AUC's carbon footprint and issue a report in 2012 detailing all major components of AUC's carbon footprint in Fiscal Year 2011. We will update our carbon footprint report at least bi-annually thereafter. We will significantly reduce our carbon footprint by reducing the university's energy consumption by approximately one third between 2012 and 2015, and by encouraging more students, faculty and staff to use bus transportation to commute to the university rather than using private cars. We will also adopt incentives to encourage car-pooling. We will significantly reduce the university's water consumption by implementing a system of using recycled water to irrigate campus landscaping. We will integrate sustainable development concepts into our undergraduate core curriculum and into our master's level degree programs. We will promote cooperation on sustainability matters among Egyptian universities and among higher education institutions in the Middle East and North Africa, for example by convening a regional conference to share sustainability best practices.
Arrangements for Capacity-Building and Technology Transfer
Coordination mechanisms/governance structure
The American University in Cairo