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Universitarios rumbo al 2030 con LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® - 2030 Gen-Z vision building with LEGO SERIOUS PLAY

Young people in secondary education or in technical and vocational schools encounter problems in discovering, defining, and deciding how to integrate into the world of work and contribute to the economic development of the community of which they are a part, whether as employees, independent professionals or entrepreneurs. Studies in recent years show that 30% of graduates worldwide do not find work in the discipline they studied. The International Labor Organization (ILO) reports that 30% of the positions advertised by companies do not find qualified personnel with the required skills.
In many cases, the solution is to start an independent professional activity or open their own business. These young entrepreneurs do not have the help to evaluate ideas, solutions, support for decision making, or strategic thinking. Most students in Latin America cannot afford to participate in workshops on professional development strategy, solution design, and services. That leads them to wrong decisions and mistakes in business modeling, product positioning, market selection, or simply not understanding customer needs. 50% of these new companies do not survive the first three years.
LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® is perhaps the best method to facilitate personal, professional, and business strategy, but its price is inaccessible to Latin American students.

Execute an accelerated action to amplify the social impact of coordinating voluntary non-profit workshops for high school students.

1. Facilitate students their transition from school life to the world of work and entrepreneurship.
2. To introduce and show LSP power to the student as a method for goal setting, problem-solving, solution design, project planning, and personal or business development.
3. To help recently trained facilitators with a platform where they can start practicing the method contributing to the social and economic development of their communities.
4. To help Latin American communities through non-profit workshops for students that will be part of the labor and business market.

1. Gloria de León prepares and executes a series of Training of Facilitators in LEGO SERIOUS PLAY Method.
2. Each facilitator commits to execute five Pro Bono remote workshops with groups of high school students.
3. Before and after the workshops, students and facilitators share the activities on social media using official hashtags. This amplifies the visibility of the SDG Action
4. After each workshop, each Facilitator fills an ODS report.
5. Universidad Tecnologica del Poniente captures participants' experiences, reports results to the United Nations, issues official recognition.
6. Workshops Would Impact in the development for a second language in the region of Yucatan, Merida, Mexico.

Expected impact

IMPACT 2021 in numbers: 8 certifications. 64 facilitators. Each facilitator impacts 60 people.
Vulnerable population benefited: 3,840 higher education students. Panamá, Dominican Republic, Chile, and Mexico with special focus in Yucatán.

IMPACT 2022 in numbers: 16 Trainings. 128 facilitators + 50 experienced facilitators. Each will impact 60 people.
Vulnerable population benefited: 10,680 higher education students. Guatemala, Panamá, Dominican Republic, Colombia, Bolivia, Chile, and Mexico



Goal 4
4.4 - By 2030, substantially increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship
4.c - By 2030, substantially increase the supply of qualified teachers, including through international cooperation for teacher training in developing countries, especially least developed countries and small island developing States
Goal 8
8.2 - Achieve higher levels of economic productivity through diversification, technological upgrading and innovation, including through a focus on high-value added and labour-intensive sectors
8.3 - Promote development-oriented policies that support productive activities, decent job creation, entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation, and encourage the formalization and growth of micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises, including through access to financial services
8.6 - By 2020, substantially reduce the proportion of youth not in employment, education or training
Goal 9
9.1 - Develop quality, reliable, sustainable and resilient infrastructure, including regional and transborder infrastructure, to support economic development and human well-being, with a focus on affordable and equitable access for all
9.5 - Enhance scientific research, upgrade the technological capabilities of industrial sectors in all countries, in particular developing countries, including, by 2030, encouraging innovation and substantially increasing the number of research and development workers per 1 million people and public and private research and development spending
9.b - Support domestic technology development, research and innovation in developing countries, including by ensuring a conducive policy environment for, inter alia, industrial diversification and value addition to commodities
Goal 17
17.16 - Enhance the global partnership for sustainable development, complemented by multi-stakeholder partnerships that mobilize and share knowledge, expertise, technology and financial resources, to support the achievement of the sustainable development goals in all countries, in particular developing countries
17.17 - Encourage and promote effective public, public-private and civil society partnerships, building on the experience and resourcing strategies of partnerships

Data, monitoring and accountability
17.19 - By 2030, build on existing initiatives to develop measurements of progress on sustainable development that complement gross domestic product, and support statistical capacity-building in developing countries
Staff / Technical expertise
Facilitators workshops, will be non profit for the universities and students
Staff / Technical expertise
Gloria de Leon - Trainer will donate 36 hours of training for each group of 8 new facilitators. Also the script and documents they have to fill to contribute with the results.
Staff / Technical expertise
PhD Alejandro Kantún management and coordination between different entities.
Other, please specify
State Agenda endorsement for English as part of the achievement of SDG4, from SIIES, Yucatán
Staff / Technical expertise
Universidad Tecnologica del Poniente, analysis and documentation of this initiative to build a Tesis with it.
Basic information
Start: 27 July, 2021
Completion: 06 January, 2024
Universidad Tecnologica del Poniente and Ad Hoc Advisory (Partnership)
Universidad Tecnológica del Poniente (university), leaded by PhD Alejandro Kantún
SIIES - Yucatán Government, Secretary, endorsed by Mtro. Mauricio Cámara Leal
Ad Hoc Advisory (consultancy company)
Initiative focused on COVID-19 pandemic response, prevention and recovery efforts
Geographical coverage
Latin America and the Caribbean
North America
Beneficiary countries
Other beneficiaries
Universities, students, LEGO SERIOUS PLAY Facilitators
Contact information
Gloria de Leon, Project Director, gloria@adhoc.org.mx, 525551449533
Moras 613, Mexico City, Mexico
United Nations