Description/achievement of initiative
In Spring, 2012, new University of Connecticut President Susan Herbst reaffirmed UConn's commitment to sustainability with a public renewed pledge to the University's Climate Action Plan (CAP). The CAP has been UConn's guiding document for sustainable initiatives, identifying targets, goals, and specific action items toward a carbon-neutral campus by 2050.
Implementation methodologies
These action items address energy efficiency, low impact development, waste reduction, smart building technologies, renewable energy, and improvement of public transportation options. They also address academic goals related to renewable energy resource development, climate change evaluation and monitoring, environmental literacy, and leadership in climate change adaptation. These goals touch every academic and support department in the University. Additionally, the University Academic Plan lists environmental and social responsibility/ sustainability as one of only three defined high-level goals for the period ending in 2014. The University participates in annual reporting to ACUPCC and AASHE for monitoring. Transparency is embedded in every part of the reporting process as a part of the US and Connecticut state reporting system.
Arrangements for Capacity-Building and Technology Transfer
Coordination mechanisms/governance structure
University of Connecticut