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Osaka Prefecture University
Description/achievement of initiative

Current projects already underway.

Implementation methodologies

Osaka Prefecture University, OPU, will provide society with technologies to improve environment and will foster next-generation leaders who can take a key role in the environmental field, aiming for sustainable society by enhanced education and researches. Every member of faculty, student and staff are involved in carrying out environmental conservation and creation on campus to share the knowledge and good practices with societies. OPU will promote research that contributse to environmental measures, develop education system to foster leaders in the field of environment, participate proactively in environmental management on campus by students, reduce energy consumption, promote recycling resources and reducing wastes, organize industry-university-government collaborating system as a center of local society, promote the role of university as a disaster prevention center, publish the environment annual report, and also will devote into the education for sustainable development, ESD, as a member of university of the UNESCO Associated Schools Project Network, ASPnet.

Arrangements for Capacity-Building and Technology Transfer

Coordination mechanisms/governance structure


Osaka Prefecture University
Progress reports
Goal 4
Organize industry-university-government collaborating system
Promote research that contributes to environmental measures
Staff / Technical expertise
Expertise of students and staff dedicated to sustainability

Basic information
Time-frame: 2012 - 2015
Osaka Prefecture University
Contact information
Taketoshi Okuno, President, president@osakafu-u.ac.jp
United Nations