Description/achievement of initiative
The objective of the partnership is to effectively manage 30% of Fiji’s seas by 2020, through the strengthening of inshore locally managed marine areas (LMMAs) and the establishment of offshore, multiple-use marine protected areas (MPAs). What is unique about this partnership is that the Fiji Government and civil society are working strongly together to achieve this ambitious target that exceeds Fiji’s commitments under the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Aichi Target 11.Since SIDS 2005, Fiji has seen a rapid expansion of the management of inshore areas and as of 2014, 78.2% of Fiji’s coastal traditional fishing grounds are now managed, covering 1.8% of our Exclusive Economic Zone. To meet its 30% SIDS commitment, the Fiji government will increase its investment in the effective management of inshore areas which are vital to the livelihood and food security of our people. At the same time the Fiji Government will expand its focus and establish offshore MPAs to effectively manage the unique biodiversity, fisheries and other ecosystem services the ocean provides Fiji and the wider global community. This commitment is reflected in the recently Cabinet approved Green Growth Framework for Fiji, and commits the government to “establish deep water MPAs targeting 30% of offshore areas by 2020.”
Implementation methodologies
Inshore – the Fiji government will strengthen its support to FLMMA and other civil society groups to increase the effectiveness of inshore LMMAs. In Fiji, LMMAs are within traditional fishing grounds and have the following features: (1) communities design and implement management measures to meet local objectives; (2) the LMMAs are managed through customary rules and do not necessarily have any formal legal status; and (3) communities are encouraged to take an adaptive management approach. Better enforcement and surveillance support will be provided to local communities to ensure LMMAs better address livelihood and food security needs. Offshore - a number of potential areas of interest have been identified for Fiji, some of which were identified as Ecologically and Biologically Significant Areas (EBSAs) under criteria set by the Convention on Biological Diversity. Potential areas, for example include the Vatu-i-Ra Seascape, the Great Sea Reef and Lau Group. The 2020 Working Committee will lead a collaborative and integrated planning process, to identify and establish offshore MPAs that will involve and benefit a range of stakeholders including vitally important industry partners, with interests in improving the management of offshore areas and reducing conflicting or incompatible uses.
Arrangements for Capacity-Building and Technology Transfer
Through this unique partnership between the Fiji Government and civil society, and the engagement of industry partners, knowledge and skills will be pooled and shared towards the common goal to effectively protect 30% of Fiji’s seas by 2020.
Coordination mechanisms/governance structure
The Ministry of Strategic Planning, National Development and Statistics and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation will lead a Fiji 2020 Working Committee, in partnership with civil society (WCS, FLMMA, WWF, IUCN, CI) and with the support of development donor partners (Waitt Foundation, etc). The Working Committee will report to a high-level multi-stakeholder panel tasked with oversight on the implementation and monitoring of the Green Growth Framework for Fiji.
Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), Fiji Locally Managed Marine Area Network (FLMMA), World Wide Fund for Nature – South Pacific (WWF), IUCN, Conservation International (CI), Waitt Foundation.