Description/achievement of initiative
The key goal of the Partnership between GoS/MNRE and IFC is to structure a Public Private Partner (PPP) which is bankable and to select a credible private sector via a transparent bid process. The private sector party will be expected to invest and operate the solid waste management system in Samoa and achieve the following outcomes:- Upgrade the solid waste management system (collection, transportation and disposal efficiency, equipment and infrastructure) to cover all waste generators and attract new investment in a financially, environmentally and socially sustainable manner- Improve health and labour conditions for workers in the SWM sector - Via improved SWM systems, contribute to the development of tourism- Encourage all Samoans to participate in better waste management practices and include all stakeholders (especially women) in implementation - Attract new private sector investment into the SWM sector in a financially, environmentally and socially sustainable mannerThis Partnership will contribute to the sustainable development of Small Island Developing States as it will demonstrate a) the framework for encouraging private sector participation via a PPP; b) the ability to implement a contractual structure that would focus on the life-cycle needs in terms of investment and maintenance; c) explore possibilities of passing on costs to end users (polluter pays principle); d) reduce waste disposed by introducing better waste management practices; and e) serve as a model to be replicated or referred to in other SIDS.
Implementation methodologies
The MNRE is the facilitating agency, and generally leads and coordinates delivery of all activities and investments under the FASA.The MNRE/MOF will govern the PPP. The Partnership as a whole is reviewed annually against a results framework.
Arrangements for Capacity-Building and Technology Transfer
During the PPP preparation stage, IFC will fund transaction advice and the delivery of a transaction structure report (including the feasibility studies and conceptual design).Post bid-award, it is anticipated that the World Bank Group will assist in supporting MNRE with resources (skills and funding) required to implement and monitor the performance of the private sector party/winning bidder.
Coordination mechanisms/governance structure
The Partnership is governed by a Financial Advisory Services Agreement (FASA) between the Government of Samoa (MNRE) and IFC. Post bid award, the Public Private Partnership will be governed by a contractual agreement between the GoS (MNRE/MoF) and the Private Sector Partner.The role of GoS is to:- Approve the final transaction structure and the related Project documents (including the bid documents and the contractual agreements)- Approve activities (such as investor workshops) - Evaluate the bids- Monitor and enforce the contractual agreement- Monitor the PPP as a whole
Government of Samoa (GoS) through the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE) and Ministry of Finance (MoF), International Finance Corporation (IFC), World Bank Group (WBG)
South Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)
Samoa J-PRISM Urbanisation Waste Management Project