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CIFAL Global Network: Supporting Local Actors to Achieve Sustainable Development
Description/achievement of initiative

The United Nations Institute of Training and Research (UNITAR) is the UN training arm for social and economic development, environmental services and multilateral diplomacy. UNITAR’s mission is to develop capacities to enhance global decision-making and support country level action for shaping a better future. UNITAR and its affiliated global network of International Training Centres for Local Actors (CIFAL) organise around 400 training activities yearly reaching out to some 25,000 beneficiaries.The Global Network of International Training Centres for Local Actors (CIFAL) are hubs for capacity building and knowledge sharing between government authorities, international organisations, the private sector and civil society.

Implementation methodologies

CIFAL Centres provide training services such as:• Face to Face Training (short to medium-term trainings, workshops, courses, etc.)• E-Learning courses• Blended programmesIn designing and delivering its training activities, CIFAL Centres employ a variety of methods, including:• Concept learning (presentations by practitioners, lectures, etc.) • Real world exposure (field visits)• Experience sharing (discussion groups, expert panels, etc.)For its local development work, CIFALs use the knowledge management methodology called “CityShare.” This methodology consists of various processes of self-assessment, distillation and transmission of experiences and good practices in order to improve the performance of an organization. They also include several tools that provide a common language for the evaluation, exchange and adaptation of the experiences shared by participating cities, as well as a roadmap for action and progress. The process aims at optimizing peer learning between local government officials and key stakeholders. Participants share knowledge, experiences, good practice and lessons learned, in order to build a strategic action plan integrating international conventions into local development programmes.

Arrangements for Capacity-Building and Technology Transfer

UNITAR seeks to continue delivering local development training via the CIFAL Network through a balanced geographical distribution. New CIFALs are being opened to respond to current demand from sub-regions such as the Arab world, the majority of Central American countries, Central Asian countries, and parts of Africa. UNITAR’ partners with leading local institution with proven expertise and value added to three thematic areas guiding UNITAR’s local development training:•Post-2015 Development Agenda and the SDGs•Urban Governance and Planning•Economic Development•Social Inclusion•Environmental Sustainability

Coordination mechanisms/governance structure

UNITAR's affiliated global network of International Training Centres for Local Actors (CIFAL) is comprised of 14 training centres located in North, Central and South America, Africa, Asia-Pacific, and Europe. Each CIFAL Centre is a regional hub for capacity development bringing together public sector, private sector and civil society. CIFALs assist local actors in achieving sustainable development in the context of increasing responsibilities at local level. UNITAR oversees, supports and coordinates the actions of the CIFAL Centres worldwide in accordance with the UNITAR Statute and policies and its Strategic Framework. The first CIFAL Centre was created in 2003. Since then the CIFAL network has grown to 14 centres (as of January 2015) and has been successful in creating learning environments for knowledge transfer while hosting a large number of workshops for thousands of beneficiaries globally. In 2014, CIFAL Centres delivered 66 training programmes reaching out to more than 8,000 participants from local and national governments, civil society, and private sector institutions. UNITAR works hand in hand with local partners from different sectors with the objective of assisting local actors in achieving sustainable development in the context of increasing responsibilities at local level. CIFAL Centres represent a model for collaboration between the United Nations and local authorities to meet a crucial need to reinforce capacities and exchange good practices among local authorities, the private sector, civil society, and key national change agents


United Nations Institute of Training and Research (UNITAR), Federation of Industries of the State of Parana (Brazil), Airport Group of the South of Mexico (ASUR), International Peace Foundation (ROK), Kuala Lumpur City Hall Training Institute (Malaysia), Regional Cooperation Office for City Informatization (China), Moray Council (Scotland), Municipality of Plock (Poland), City of Antwerp (Belgium), Municipality of Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso), E-thekwini Municipality (South Africa), Decentralized Government of the Province of Pichincha (Ecuador), Ministry of Interior and Local Authorities (Algeria), Vice presidency of the Republic of El Salvador, Kennesaw State University (USA).
Progress reports
Goal 9
Goal 11
Goal 12
Goal 16
Goal 17
17.9 - Enhance international support for implementing effective and targeted capacity-building in developing countries to support national plans to implement all the sustainable development goals, including through North-South, South-South and triangular cooperation
December 2016
Beneficiaries trained on sustainable development topics, including the SDGs
March 2016
Development of a toolkit on the SDGs for local authorities
Partnerships forged with UN and non-UN agencies, universities, research centres in support of the SDGs implementation
Partnerships forged with cities, regions, and countries in support of the SDGs implementation
Staff / Technical expertise
Host institutions of the CIFAL Centres provide expertise and resource persons
In-kind contribution
UNITAR''s local partners of the CIFAL Network contribute with in-kind contributions to deliver training programmes
Other, please specify
UNITAR's local partners of the CIFAL Network contribute with financing to deliver training programmes

Basic information
Time-frame: September/2003 - Ongoing
United Nations Institute of Training and Research (UNITAR), Federation of Industries of the State of Parana (Brazil), Airport Group of the South of Mexico (ASUR), International Peace Foundation (ROK), Kuala Lumpur City Hall Training Institute (Malaysia), Regional Cooperation Office for City Informatization (China), Moray Council (Scotland), Municipality of Plock (Poland), City of Antwerp (Belgium), Municipality of Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso), E-thekwini Municipality (South Africa), Decentralized Government of the Province of Pichincha (Ecuador), Ministry of Interior and Local Authorities (Algeria), Vice presidency of the Republic of El Salvador, Kennesaw State University (USA).
Contact information
Alex Mejia, Manager, alex.mejia@unitar.org
United Nations